
Why does he checkout other women?

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I'm dating this guy. He's told me that he's very attracted to me and he likes me but when we go out he checks out other women. This really bothers me but I can't say anything. Why do men do this? If they are really interested in a woman they shouldn't be flirting or checking out other women.

I guess I'm feeling insecure because he cheated on his first wife. When I asked him why he said that men are dogs.

I'm just worried because when I like someone I'm automatically committed but men are not like that. If they find someone hot they just go for it.

Should I confront him? Or should I just live with it?




  1. hunn u need to confront him immediatly!!

    Let everything out!!!!!!

    Dont keep things bottled up inside 4ever.

    And jst to tell u...

    all men check out other women....

    Its a guyy thing.

    But i would b worried about wen he said men are dogs???

    Wut the heck?

    tht is nuthing to say to a woman.....exspecially wen she knows about ur past...?

    Well let me know how everythin turns out!!


    ~Hollister Babii~

  2. ALL guys notice other woman , Totally normal but.... If he makes it noticable like says things about her to you then he is out of line. He can keep his thoughts to himself and not stare out of respect to you. I wouldnt say anything if he is rspectful about it. Jusy say "she is pretty". Makes you look and feel better than getting mad. Use it to your benifit.

  3. boys will be boys.. lol.. talkk to him about it.. and men are dogs.. some are.. lol.. but he does admit he is .. soo.. be careful.. dont get ur heart broken lol

  4. Because he already told you "men are dogs" he has a pattern here...and sorry to say, but he obviously did not learn from the devastation that occurred during his first marriage to his wife.  Sadly, when a person doesn't get humbled and still makes blanket excuses as if "men have a right to be dogs"???  NO they do not.  And not all men are dogs,  HE IS A DOG by far.  If he is doing this so openly in front of you, you need to decide if this is what you want for the rest of your life.  Because guess what?  That is what you will get for as long as your in a relationship with him...A leopard doesn't change his spots.  Even if you "confront" him..he will continue to say, he loves you  not them.  But if he is looking in a manner that tells you he's being a cheater by the eyes.  Listen to that instinct and voice of reason you have inside you...You deserve a faithful and devoted MAN...not a little boy who refused to grow up.  I wish you the best.

  5. Is he actually "checking'' them out in front of you? Or do you just happen to notice the same women he notices? If he is point blank checking out other women, then kick him to the curb. However, maybe you are just jealous and insecure. I'd find it hard to believe if you were to say that you never admire other men since you have began dating this guy.

    Should you confront him or let it be... if it REALLY bugs you becuase he is REALLY checking out other women and its not you just being paranoid and you REALLY want to be with him, then yes, talk about it with him. Dont "confront" him about it, pick your words carefully. Its possible that he doesnt even know that hes doing it or even that you are all freaked out about it. Good luck.

  6. Hmmmm...once a cheater always a cheater....he cheated on his wife, and now in the early stages of dating you hes checking out other women?? Drop this punk, do not "just live with it" your better than that.

    Just trust me on this one, there are plenty of guys who would not/did not cheat on their first wives and on a date their eyes would only be all over you. This guy is not one of those guys. Givem the boot and a kleenex on the way out the door.

  7. I think the reason he is checking out other women is to see if any of  women are checking him out too.

    And if they are, it builds up his ego.

    It may have absolutely nothing to do with you. And he may never cheat on you either.

    Personally, I think you are involved with a guy that only cares about himself and his image. But you know him better.

    Unless he gives you any reason not to trust him, then don't.

    And don't assume marriage will resolve the problem either.

  8. I would not trust this guy from what his answer was to you on why he cheated.. he didn't take any responsibility or say that he learned from it or anything.. he just blew it off that men are dogs... and therefore, he'll do it again..

    Most guys do check out other women, heck, most people check out other people.. but, it's usually a casual glance...  if he's drooling at the mouth, to me that's red flag number 2..

    I'd really think about this relationship....  again, his answer about why he cheated is a major concern.  

  9. He said it himself, Men are dogs. And you know he cheated on his 1st wife. Add 2 and 2 together and you have your answer. It's human nature to check other people out, but to gawk at or make comments about someone else in your presence is just disrespectful. He will most likely cheat on you as well, if he hasn't already. He has no self control, he basically admits this by his words and his past and present actions with women. Confront him, I personally would if it bothers you. Listen to your intuition, if it tells you to run, then run. If you think his behavior will negatively affect how you view yourself, then you should end it now. No man is worth that. It's like he's warning you he's gonna cheat. So, do what you gotta do. And above all, protect yourself, don't let him give you any diseases!!!!

  10. This guy sounds like a jerk that gives great men a bad name.  Men are not dogs as a whole, he unfortunately is one though.  I for one would not live with that type of behavior.  The fact that he cheated on his first wife AND he openly admits to being a dog should be a huge red flag for you that this guy is not interested in a monogamous, committed, adult relationship.  

  11. Just because he's your boyfriend doesn't mean he's blind.

    You can't ask a guy to completely turn off his appreciation of the physical features of other women just because he's now committed...just like you can't turn off the way  you might think of other guys as 'cute' or 'handsome' (and don't tell me you haven't done that before ;P ).

    Men are very, very visual creatures. Odds are his 'checking out' of other women is just something automatic he's been doing since he's hit puberty. That's just how guys are.

    My bf is the same way. He'll talk about actresses or singers that are really s**y (like Scarlett Johansson or Jessica Simpson) with his other guy friends while I'm around, and I don't care. That's just what guys do. Still, he'll always turn to me and say, "...but it's a good thing my girlfriend is sexier than she is!" (which of course is not true...there's no way I could compare to Scarlett, but that's what love is about - truly appreciating someone despite their flaws).

    If you confront him, you'll just push him away and annoy him, because he doesn't think he's doing anything wrong. It's like asking a dog to stop sniffing street signs. It's instinct for them, and you're not going to be able to change it, lol.

    Good luck, though!

  12. All guys check out other women, married or not, it's just the smart ones know how to not get caught looking...

  13. If your not comfortable with him looking at other woman tell him! Its natural for a man look at a girl but if you think its excessive then speak up. If he gives some lame exuse ask him how he would feel if you checked out every young guy you saw!

  14. Keep walking sweetheart. Men are dogs? That is your cue that you are in for a looooong time of it. Don't be a fool, this man is an arrogant player. You are going to either suffer a heartbreak, be cheated on, or catch a venereal disease. Wake up for your own sake please!  

  15. There's no reason why you just should live with it.

    Some of us can't help it, we check other women unconsciously, if it really bothers you, you should tell him so, give him the opportunity to stop or at least be more discreet about it,  

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