
Why does he continue to hug me....Does he like me???

by  |  earlier

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It's this really cute boy that I've known since the 6th grade and I still like. Now this following school year we see each other alot in the hallways but have no classes together. He is in the 12th grade and I'm in the 10th. Everytime I'm on my way to a class and I see him in the hallway he gives me a hug. Or if I see him after school he will stop and give me a hug walk with me and we'll talk for a while but that's it. Does he like me???

Or is he just leading me on???




  1. he likes u, try & ask him out..if he says noo..say it was a joke!!

    can u pls answer my question...

    go to my profile and then go to the questions ..answer the first question

    thaankzz alot!!!!

    p.s.good luck!!

  2. Yes. He likes you, big time.

    He's just a little shy with taking that first big step.

    Let him know you like him.

    Everything will then fall into place.

  3. It sounds like he likes you!

  4. wtf its been 4 years

    hes probably just being nice =(

  5. Yeah, ask him out;...

  6. That doesn't mean either of those things most likely. My friends give me hugs all the time after classes, mostly the boys. Some people are just touchy feely.

  7. Just ask him if he likes you!!

    But don't make it awkward, just ask him like in a funny kind of way!

    When he answers you, just be like..."well i kinda like you!":)

    But try as hard as possible to not make it awkward!

  8. my guy friends gimme tons of hugs. It doesn't mean they like me. Ask him!

  9. oh I wish my crush did that too me

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