
Why does he do this every time he sees me?

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Well, this guy, that is in my English and Science classes- I see him everywhere.

Mainly because we now have a "one way" hall rule, ha.

Whenever I see him he says "Hii!" to me, but he only speaks Spanish ;_;

So, his friend helps me translate stuff to him.

But whenever I ask "are you annoyed of me?" (Because I must admit that I am very annoying) And then his friend says "He thinks you're weird"

And then the Spanish guy flails about to him and looks angry-ish.

I do not know what he really said, but what does he care if I think that he thinks I'm weird?

I really doubt he "likes" me, but do you think he does it because he's my friend? Or is he really annoyed of me?




  1. If he only speaks Spanish, how can he understand his friend when he says 'He thinks you're weird'?

  2. I think that you like him

  3. you like him. He likes you. Language barrier isnt much of a problem. Teach him english while you learn spanish... Or french. Lmao.

  4. Just give him a hug and be a spaz! wait...never mind. just be your self and take Spanish class!^^

  5. Well, first,

    Are you weird? lol

    Maybe his friends are making fun of him because he has a crush on you?  

    Just try to find someone else who could translate for you what spanishboy he's trying to tell you.

    If you can't communicate I don't see the point in getting together though. One of you will have to learn the other one's language or it's soon going to reveal a dead end for both! (after you kissed and whatever, what the h**l are you going to talk about? How will you know if you two "connect" ???)

    Learn how to say "are you annoyed with me" in spanish and maybe he could write back his answer, you keep it with you and try to translate it by yourself with a spanish-english dictionnary??

    If you let his friend btw us you'll never get to know each other, just find a way to communicate directly with him  

  6. Listen to what he says in spanish and relay it to a different spanish speaking person. Then you could know what he really said.

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