
Why does he does like this??

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Hi; I am a college student ; We have a professor who is new for us ; He has already judged students & he gives them problems to do that requires high thinking ; & those students who are capable of doing it gets respected so much from him ; He already has two favourite students in the class ; whenever he would address these two , he would address them as " We " rather than "you " ; the place were I stay " We" is considered to be a sign of respect ; saying somebody " We didnt came today ?? " is much more respectable than saying " you didnt came today ?" ; Why is he respecting these two students with "We"& the rest of the class with "you"





  1. im assuming you are from anothr country. PROFESSORS ARE ALL a******s. my professor ******* failed me because i was a democrat!  

  2. It's simple: he's trying to create competition in the class.  To compete with him is anti-authoritarian -- some people simply can't do that.  To compete with your fellow students is fair game. Whether or not you buy into it is up to you.

  3. No it does not appear to be impartial. Maybe he is wanting to diplomatically give pointers to the other students to inspect these people a bit more closely & perhaps emulate their positives.

    Regards. UK

  4. Who says he has to be impartial. He may respect other students who excel.  

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