
Why does he keep asking me out when i told him I like him as a friend?

by  |  earlier

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Okay I have recently become friends with this guy... We basically were introduced by this guy I use to date....This summer hae has been calling me and texting me alot...I told him straight up that I don't want a boyfriend and we can be friends..He seemed find with that but now he keeps asking me out every chance he gets....One time i could've sworn he said," In order to take your virginity I have to be your boyfriend ." He was mumbling and when i confronted him he said forget it




  1. thats messed up..............

  2. I think that I had a similar situation.  There was this guy who had a huge crush on me and told him that I was not interested in him.  However, he was really a sweet guy and I told him that we could be friends.

    Whenever we went out, he would act as if it was a date and he even began telling my friends that I was his girlfriend.

    I finally told him that if he could not deal with just being a friend, then I would have no choice but to end the friendship.

    He continued and I ended the friendship.

    After two years, he contacted me and told me that he was engaged and asked me to come to his wedding.

    I did and thought we could now be friends.  But, his wife was a ***** and they broke up.

    Well, he started again...and sadly we are no longer in contact.

    Good luck.


  3. Pog and Angel are right, he has veered into stalkerland and I think as long as you have any contact with him, he's going to harbor false hope and keep bugging the heck out of you.  Dump him like a bad habit!

  4. Tell him to get lost that you don't even want to be friends with him anymore.

  5. get away from him. now. there is nothing good that can come of this. and tell a (trusted) friend whats going on. explain the entire situation to them. and never be alone with this guy. if that's really what he said, he may rape you if those are his intentions.

  6. Technically he's harassing you.

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