
Why does he look at me so sweet after he said these things?

by  |  earlier

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Well my x-boyfriend is in my advisory, lucky huh?, and even after the way he treated me he still gives me that sweet look. The thing he did that was rude was wthat he called me ugly and fat and told me i had horrible hair and stuff so i would break up with him.

Still everyday he looks at me like a guy looks at someone they secretly like; in advisory and at lunch, where he mysteriously chose a seat right by mine and all my friends. Why is he acting like this? He even hides when he is near me and his friends are talking to me. I love his friends. Why does he have such awesome friends if hes such a JERK!

Before he called me ugly he told me that i was pretty and stuff. I just don't get guys. I know im young but i wanna know why he is being this way.




  1. this lil' boy sounds like an idiot.

    like i dunno how to explain it.

    he doesnt really seem to know what he wants.

    either that or he wants you back?

    eh. i quit.

  2. becuz hes a guy and thats wat guys do

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