
Why does he stay away?

by  |  earlier

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Me and this guy I like are doing a project together with some other guys and when ever I talk or do anything he ignores me. When I go left he goes right. But when we are talking in a group I see him looking at me and sometimes he smiles and he even talks to me sometimes and I am pretty sure he doesn't hate me so what's up? Also some times when we are far away I see him looking at me. He's a shy person but i don't know...HELP!!!




  1. he's afraid of being alone with you, makes him nervous, he feels like he'll say something dumb or embarrass himself.

       When a guy likes you a lot, he can often talk or get by when he's with others, but alone often shakes them up especially if he's shy.

        A lot of times they find it harder to talk to you, to worried or forgetful to be around you alone, so nervous, they worry they'll mess up real bad and you'll think their a jerk.

         So it looks like you'll have to make the first few moves, watch him or try find out what he's interested in, find something you have in common to talk about. Wait for a chance to sit with him at lunch, if he ever sits alone, or if he's walking alone in the same direction.

          Maybe find or make up some problem or questions you could ask or present to him about the project, even if you have the answers or just make something up.

           But your gonna have to be the out going one if you want to make this a couple.

  2. Don't listen to the first idiot. He is shy, you might wanna be friendly then he will feel confortable with you, good chance he likes you.

  3. what does your husband think about it?

  4. It sounds like the guy has a crush on you and is not sure how to handle himself.  

  5. maybe he is shy so you should find things you can talk about and hang out with him more

  6. it depends a lot on how old you are and how old he is.

    If you're young he's acting this way because that's what young people do.

    If you're older like in college....he's immature.

  7. seems as if he's shy and has a little crush, be upfront and ask him why he act so strange
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