
Why does h**l need to last forever? Why do all non-christians need to be tortured forever?

by Guest10944  |  earlier

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The answer provided by some Christians , we choose to go there is not good at all.

Number one, we don't choose, if h**l would not have been created by God we would not need to go there, so he chose to create it and chooses to send people there.

Number 2. He is the one than makes the final judgement, whether to send people there or not, so IT IS HIS CHOICE.

3. Why does he need to make it last forever?

He can choose to make it last a while to punish criminals, but forever? How is that just?




  1. Christianism = A way of controlling giant masses of ignorant people that don't question a belief system created by truly yours, humans.

  2. Because the christian god is a sadistic jerk.

  3. from what I can recall, it says that a soul would be destroyed in h**l, not that the soul would be tormented would be destroyed forever. Destroyed means gone, obliterated, no longer existing. God isn't planning on tormenting someone for eternity for 60 years of sin. In another passage, it states that once in heaven THEN immortality is put on. That means as of now your soul is not yet can be destroyed. Only once someone enters heaven they are then made immortal.

    Thats what I got from the Bible. People are always turning that around, though, it seems.

  4. Yet another reason why we know the buy-bull is a crazy made-up pile of c**p.

  5. Firstly, you must have an understanding of h**l to know it's purpose.

    Before the fall of mankind, man was not held under the yoke of death since he did not sin as of yet.

    Yet, once he sinned, he sold his soul and the souls of all mankind to the devil.

    h**l was and is like a prison. All who die in sin are put in this place. It is not God's will, but the man's will.

    Prior to Jesus coming and dying for all mankind, all those who died were held in death.

    When Adam sinned, he sold the souls of all mankind unto death. So all who died were taken to one of two places in h**l and death. The upper part of h**l known as the bosom of Abraham where the righteous dead were held. The lower part of h**l which was and is a place of torment to the unrighteous where they are reserved until the day of judgment.

    Because no man could live a life without sin, all men were held in the place known as death and h**l. That is why God sent his Son. Jesus came and lived a life without sin and when he was put to death, because he was innocent of death, death could not hold him and he was worthy of resurrection.

    Yet, by Jesus dying, he died for all mankind, so that all who believe in him would not be sent to that place known as h**l and death.

    The interesting part is that by the sin of one man, death was brought to all mankind. And by the death of one innocent man, life was bought for all mankind.

    Jesus said, " He who believes in me will never die. "

    And he spoke truth. For though a man dies in his flesh, his soul does not die, does not get cast into that place known as h**l and death.

    Jesus said, " He who believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live."

    He indeed spoke truth. For though a man dies in the flesh, his souls lives in Christ and goes to be with Christ in paradise.

    Now, all the righteous dead prior to Jesus' resurrection could not assend into heaven til after Jesus defeated death.

    And it is written that by the heart, a man comes unto righteousness, and by confession unto salvation.

    Those who were righteous and were still held in death were set free when Jesus went and preached to them in death and h**l. They were already righteous in their hearts. That is why they were in the upper part of h**l known as the bosom of Abraham. Yet, they could not make confession unto salvation until Jesus defeated death and came and preached to them.

    Now, when a man dies in Christ, his body sleeps in the earth awaiting to be resurrected on the day of resurrection. The soul goes with Christ. And on the day of resurrection, the souls of those who died in Christ come with him and will be reunited with their bodies that have been resurrected, changed from mortal, to immortal.

    So what happens to a child that dies? Do children go to heaven or go to h**l?

    First, to answer this question, you must ask yourself what causes men to be cast into h**l. Sin.

    Children are innocent of sin. When a child is born, God breathes the breathe of life into the child. The child remains alive in spirit until he understands the laws of God, and that he cannot life a sinless life, live according to the laws of God. This is what is known as the age of accountability. This is when the spirit of the child is no longer that of a child, but of a young adult, thus dying in the spirit because of sin.

    Yet, if a child dies without the understanding of the law, the child is innocent in the eyes of God and goes to be with God.

    The point is this, if a child reaches the age of accountability, then he dies in his spirit and must have his spirit born again in him if he wants to enter the kingdom of God.

    So it is written a man must be born again to enter the kingdom of God. John 3

    And when a child reaches the age of understanding, then the child is no longer a child, but a young adult who is in need of forgivness.

  6. sorry asker.. here is a better answer

  7. Aren't they ridiculous with their sorry book of fairy tales? Christians never fail to crack me up.

  8. It doesn't last forever! Fire burns until all the fuel is consumed.

    Malachi 4:1  For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.

    3  And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts.

    Does this sound like something lasting forever?

    GOD bless

  9. people in the h**l are two groups.

    some spend a temporary punishment period befor getting out to the heaven.

    the other group is eternal in the h**l because they made no reason to go to heaven .

    why would the God send those who denied him to the heaven?they denied his presence ,his revelation and his massengers and they didn't work for the hereafter.

    anybody who don't believe in all the revelations of God is to the h**l eternally. ofcourse the last and dominant revelation is the Holy Quran.

  10. Place created to torture satan & demons, any humans who end up there chose to.

  11. there are only two outcomes - eternal life or eternal death

    As for me I am heavenbound!

  12. The Bible says that h**l is thrown into the lake of fire, in Revelation 20.

    The idea of a burning h**l is Roman Catholic mythology; which unfortunatly, was blindly adopted by some early protestant sects.

    Job (in Job 14:13) prayed to be hidden in h**l. Why?

    Because, in the Old Testament the Hebrew word "sheol" (generally translated "h**l") is described as an unconscious sleep-like state:

    Job 14:10-13

    Psalm 6:5

    Psalm 13:3

    Psalm 115:17

    Psalm 146:4

    Ecclesiastes 3:19,20

    Ecclesiastes 9:5-10

    Isaiah 38:17-19

    Daniel 13:13

    In the New Testament the Greek word "hades" (also generally translated "h**l") is also described as an unconscious sleep-like state:

    John 11:11-14

    Acts 2:29

    Acts 2:34

    Acts 7:60

    Acts 13:36

    1 Corinthians 7:39 [Greek]

    1 Corinthians 15:6

    1 Corinthians 15:51

    1 Thessalonians 4:13-14

    Moreover, the idea of torment in the New Testament is the result of people being unfamiliarity with the Old Testament.

    For example where Jesus describes "Gehenna" (generally translated "hellfire") at Mark 9:47-48, both his original audience and the early readers of the New Testament would have recognized the reference Jesus was making.

    They were familiar with this quote from the last verse in Isaiah. They knew what it talked about; not people being tormented; but rather about dead carcasses being consumed by fires.

    Even in Middle English verb "to h**l" does not mean "to cook" it means "to bury" In turn, h**l comes from the Old English word "helan" that means to "conceal" or to hide."

  13. Because all these wicked people on Earth, Christian and non-Christian, should not be allowed to get away with a short sentence in Alcatraz.

    I wish to see them burn forever.

    Worship none but Allah!

    There is no God but Allah!


  14. h**l is a metaphor for our own guilt. Yes, h**l IS our choice, because it's the suffering we make for ourselves when we know deep down we have done wrong.

    I don't know how many people here have felt actual remorse for something, but I certainly do....and it is NOT pleasant. And that was just for something trivial. I suspect that when we die, we are all faced with the path we've taken through our lives, and if it stacks up badly, we come to the realisation of the poor way we've lived, and we end up experiencing that guilt until we can come around and do it again, try and repair the damage we've done to ourselves.

    Watch the movie "Flatliners"......I found that to be a really good exploration of the concept.


    You know, yelling it in capital letters doesn't make it any more true. The reality is, we DO make our own h**l and own punishment. That is why we have feelings of guilt and remorse.

  15. Well you do choose to go there. If you don't want to go there, then you believe Jesus is Lord. If you choose not to, and truly reject Him and heaven where you'll be made perfect with God, you'll get anything but Heaven which is h**l. God didn't make it to condemn the world, He wants everyone to believe in Him, but not everybody will. And because of rejection that's justice. You reject Him, you reject your soul. Everyone does not have the same treatment in h**l.  

  16. well, God didn't make h**l for humans originally, but for the fallen angels.  there is a video on youtube called "h**l and satan" by venomfangx that you can watch for an explanation of why h**l is eternal and not temporary.

  17. h**l is not for eternity. Once its job of destruction is done, h**l itself will ceace to exist. The choice of facing that punishment will eventually be in everyones hands, wether now or in the resurrection. Thanks for asking!

  18. Because in God's time there is no beginning and no calendars....h**l was created for satan and all those who prefer to follow him. You don't need to choose to go there just choose Jesus!! I am not saying this as a Christian--it was stated thousands of years ago. He is the judge and like an earthly judge if the judge wants to sentence you to life in prison he has that right..More so should the One who gave you life be able too.

    Sounds like you are very worried about it ....perhaps in your heart you know it is real??!

  19. i always assumed that h**l really only lasts for a few millennia before God in his everlasting mercy decides to give you a chance to redeem yourself and puts you into purgatory/limbo [of course, the Catholic church did away with limbo recently, didn't they? i guess they were remodeling heaven and need room for the giant inground swimming pool.]

  20. Sure seems like a good way to scare people into accepting ridiculous and fantastical doctrine, doesn't it?

  21. Hon, there is No such thing as h**l.

    It's okay, stop worrying about something that does not exist.

    Enjoy your life!  

  22. First of all this h**l we live in now is not forever and the h**l that some will exist in for eternity is one of their own making, not God's.  Our choices - no matter WHO we are WILL determine our eternal resting place.  God does not force us to do good, He does not force us to choose Him, He can not force us into heaven.  Whether you are jew or gentile, bond or free, christian or NOT - all will be given the opportunity to CHOOSE, repent and live eternally in the kingdom of heaven. That is God's love, mercy and fairness.  

    Those who reject Him at that last judgment day (much like Lucifer did in the war in heaven), he too made his bed and has to sleep in it forever.  NO one chooses h**l per se - but we all chose our way to whatever Mansion we are deemed worthy to exist in throughout eternity.  The torture will come (I believe) from the realization of what we COULD have had, and COULD have been had we only chosen different and become something or someone MORE than we did in this life.  THAT will be a h**l of our own making.  

  23. The Bible teaches eternal judgment.

    We leave this world in a permanent fixed state.

    Either we are suited for Heaven or we belong in h**l.

    Man is an eternal spirit being according to the will of God, who desires that all men would be saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth.

    "Then he (the Messiah) will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.....whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'

    Matthew 25:41-43,45

  24. There is no perpetual torture.  After the resurrection of the wicked, sin and sinners are  DESTROYED in the lake of fire so YAHOSHUA can make all things new, and very good.

  25. "HE MADE h**l, WE DID NOT."

    Nah; some crafty, bored little men made it all up.

    Heaven and h**l are part of the Carrot and Stick Game developed to make use of FEAR, the BEST management tool ever invented; it keeps peasants and children pliable and easy to control.


  26. If we do not accept the payment Jesus made on the cross for our sins by accepting Him as our Lord and Savior, then we have to pay for our sins ourselves in h**l.  Jesus Christ is the only way to receieve forgiveness and eternal life.

    John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life."

  27. SHELL: Covers a creature

    HELmet:  Covers your head

    The words Sheol and Hades were translated "h**l" which referred to the grave. In the old English dialect the expression "helling potatoes" meant, not to roast them, but simply to place the potatoes in the ground or in a cellar. Interestingly "Gehenna" (a garbage dump to this day) was also translated "h**l". The understanding of h**l was twisted into what many believe today.  It's just another lie influenced by Satan with the purpose of inciting fanaticism on one hand and Atheists on the other or ones who will never draw close to God because they think He's unjust.  

    Isaiah 38:18 - For the dead* (Footnote *Hebrew: sheol) cannot praise you...those going down to the grave can no longer hope in your faithfulness.

    Psalm 16:10 For you will not leave my soul among the dead* (ftn. sheol) or allow your holy one to rot in the grave. - NLT

    If the teaching of conscious fiery torment was from God, then why didn't he let Adam and Eve know that they'd go there if they disobeyed?  He said "you will die" if you eat from the tree. "To DUST you will return."  He didn't say that he would torture them.  If the place of torment existed wouldn't that have been unfair of God not to warn them of it?  If God taught that he tortures people who don't live life the best way (His way) then they would be obeying him out of terror...not out of love.  Adam and Eve knew what death was from seeing plants, insects and animals die.  They knew it meant they would decompose.  

    The final destruction of the ungodly (Revelation 20: 13-15 "second death..lake of fire"), however, IS eternal because these people refused to live the way God intended becoming a threat to those who submit to God's authority.  God is too just to let the wicked exterminate the righteous.  Plus they would eventually exterminate themselves.

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