
Why does horse pee smell so strong?

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I notice that my male horse's pee smells like ammonia.

Is there a reason for this ?




  1. Well, I think it's a mating-type thing. Well, i'm pretty sure it is. One of my mares always pees when I come to say hi to her, she's a silly one.

  2. Volume.  Volume.  Volume.  :-)

    On a more serious note, urea is NH2, while ammonia is NH3.  They're "almost" identical.  

    I feed dilute ammonia to my lawn, to keep it super-lush and green.  I water down my female Great Dane's urine (immediately after she goes), which works just as well.  ...Too well.  The spots where my dog has urinated, and I've watered it down, become really dark green, lush spots.

  3. He could be dehydrated, be getting to much lush grasses(feeding out excessive amounts of alfalfa will not only cause diarrhea, but also cause urine to smell), he could have a UT infection, and sometimes if the sheath is not cleaned and the bean removed it can smell strong too.

    Make sure he's getting plenty of water and if he appears to be in pain during urination( meaning he'll stretch out like he's going to pee, but nothing comes out) then you may want to contact a vet.

  4. be sure you have a salt/min block.  do not use the red min block.    some horses are sensitive to the red coloring, and that will change the color of the pee.

    provide lots of fresh water...but add a hint of apple juice to it, to encourage drinking.

    also, the ammonia smell can also be caused by the body ridding itself of extra protein.  if you're feeding more than 12% protein, chances are your horse is peeing out the rest.

  5. yes the things horses eat or drink makes there pee smell stronger just like us

  6. Hello,

    It is strong, make certain your horse has plenty of fresh cool water and a salt l**k this will help to dilute it some.

    We always thought it smells like apple juice...  at least the fresh pee, not the old stuff in a barn or stall.

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