
Why does ireland get so much rain?

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Why does ireland get so much rain?




  1. Actually, if you look at the annual numbers, Ireland is somwhere in 14th or16th place for rainfall/year. The Olympic forest in Washington (State that is) has a greater rainfall then Ireland. In Ireland the rain usually does not come down hard, just steady.

  2. Because of the Atlantic Ocean.

  3. Actually, Ireland gets so much rain because the jet stream typically dips down toward the equator about 1000 miles out in the Atlantic to the west of Ireland. Then it turns sharply north and collides with cooler air masses just to the west of Ireland. When the warm jet stream air and the cooler north Atlantic air collide, they form storms and clouds which come ashore on the west coast of Ireland, causing rain to occur. Since Ireland is such a small Island, just about all of it gets rain at the same time. Of course, the jet stream can change course and direction, which will alter the weather, but normally this is how it occurs.

  4. Nah we dont get toooo much rain but we get a bit, but shur it would'nt be ireland without the bit a rain....

  5. The weather.

  6. Something to do with excess precipitation...what they need is a fashionable and practical hat, a bit like mine!

  7. because its stinking and needs a good washing and scrubbing lol

  8. Because we r so far away from da equator i tink !!!!!! ("p)

  9. That's why its so green and they call it THE EMERALD ISLE

  10. because it first gets all the weather systems coming from the atlantic, having come from a large ocean they are often carry a lot of rain, this falls on the first landfall, i.e. Ireland, and then slowly moves of the rest of the Uk, usually diminidhing as it goes.

  11. We don't get as much as you think!

    We have had a fine summer like you lot with very little rain, and anyway  come rain or shine shes beautiful none the less!

    Eireann go Bragh...

  12. If it didn't rain so much there wouldn't be 40 shades of green.  There'd only be 20 and some weird yellow colours.  Be thankful for the rain.

  13. Because of the geography. The same reason the south east gets relatively little rain.

  14. Because of the vast expanse of the "Atlantic Ocean"

  15. We need the water to make into Guinness.

  16. the gulf flows up past it bringing a more temeperate climate, bad summers ok winters pathetic autumn and cold spring. look on the bright side no artic chills or flooding.

  17. From what I remember of my school geography, its to do with the fact that the prevailing winds are from the west. This air has travelled over the Atlantic and picked up a lot of moisture. When it arrives over land various things such as rising in altitude make the moisture precipitate and fall as rain.

  18. Moist warm air coming from the Gulf stream ( the Atlantic) form clouds that reach land mass of Ireland. In order for the moist clouds to rise up over this land mass they have to lose some of their density. This means rain. . Which is why Ireland, western UK ,Northern Spain,Portugal Brittany , all along the North Atlantic seaboard have a reputation for being warm and wet.

  19. Because it is the first sizeable landmass that rain clouds come across on their journey from the atlantic. the heat from the land rises causing the air to rise to cooler altitudes where the water vapour condences and turns into rain.

  20. Probably something to do with the stinks!!!

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