
Why does israel still allow this to happen ?

by Guest44913  |  earlier

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  1. Just another day in the Middle East?

  2. Because every time they retaliate the international community comes down hard on them and says that they should just put up with the 100's of indiscriminate rockets every day!


    Also, israel is very 'westernised' and the rest of the countries over that region don't like this so will side with the non-Jews.

  3. It’s OK to kill a Jew if it’s a hundred or just one or two. Whether it’s a homicide bomber in a market or a car bomb in a schoolyard where they did park it. The act will get a slight mention on the mainstream news CBS, ABC or NBC you choose. Just shooting an Israeli settler now and then will at most just get a ten second mention on CNN. But don’t you let a Muslim woman cry or it will be transmitted to all the news satellites in the sky. The scene will be played on your TV over and over every day and the image will almost never go away. “They arrested my son” she will tearfully say, “and all he did was kill a few Jews yesterday”. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will then demand that this Israeli aggression will not stand and must end soon! The French will then say Israeli oppression is out of hand. Hezbollah, Hamas the PLO will be given millions in compensation who knows where the money will go. The UN will need more money for a plan of relief so the US taxpayers fund them its beyond belief. So the message is clear on the national news. It’s really OK if you are just killing Jews

    Southern Lebanon is another story; Hezbollah is there in all its glory. Children play indoors on Katusha Rockets with bright yellow Hezbollah flags tucked in their pockets. Automatic weapons hang on the living room walls and rocket launchers are hidden in the apartment halls. Israel planes better not bomb this innocent family of just children and a mom. They are innocent because the news media says so, no matter the evidences to the contrary don’t question them they just know. The innocent are not able to get out of the way because the families father has demanded that they stay. Islam is different but Americans are to dumb to know the wife cannot leave the house without a mans permission to go. I think it’s cowardly but the EU thinks its smart to stop rocket attacks on Israel you must blow the family apart. The press calls them innocent civilians and more even though Hezbollah fighters are standing at the apartment door. So now press reports it’s horrible, hateful, evil just to name a few, proving don’t kill Arabs but its OK to kill a Jew.

  4. According to the story they don't allow it to happen. One side fires,the other fires back,then one side fires again,the other fires back again. Notice a pattern?

  5. Good point Stephen. This murder by Hamas the child killing group needs to be stopped. Onlt the elimination f this group will bring peace to this country.

  6. Israel allows it to happen because Egypt allows tons of TNT to be smuggled into Gaza.

    Good one. Hamas bomb-makers have another "production accident" and Israel is to blame. Nice. Just like everything you people do.

    It's alright though.

    Please continue to be the way you are, and blame everything on Israel just like you always have, cause that way you are not advancing anywhere, and we will keep on winning and winning and winning... And you'll just keep on whining and whining...

  7. Why peace is the missing link in the Zionist state. Israel is living on wars and war propaganda. The Israeli killed 10 civilians in Gaza today.

  8. This is a quite complicated situation. Hamas keeps provoking Israeli retaliation in order to justify its cause. Just wait and see, ultimately Israel will prevail.

  9. CRAPPY ISRAELLI JEWS!!!!! They are evil thats why the allow it to happen/.

  10. As  beautiful sunset said This is the Jew catch 22., Israel can't shoot back without aiming, it's bad enough they aim and somehow a woman or child get hurt, if I was a suspecting person I'd believe these Palestinians present the same dead over and over.

    I predict within three months Israel will shoot these qasams out of the sky before they land.

  11. Because it's a delicate balance. Israelis are killed by Palestinians in rocket attacks and the only way to stop it would be a full assault by Israel which would result in many Palestinian deaths.

    Israel doesn't want to kill Palestinians unnecessarily.

  12. Hi Stephen,

    Israel allows this to happen because all eyes are on Israel waiting for her to make a false move.  This is the propaganda works of the Muslims.

    Don't worry because something is brewing in Gaza.  You will see in the next few months.  Things will be very different and Israel will prevail.


    Ms. Miche ; })

  13. its terrible... nothing really to say that complements it

    i wasnt going to put this on open net.... but you dont have E-mail aloud to send you the link...

    please DO NOT WATCH THIS if you are easily upset or emossional...

    this all happend in just 72 hours in Israil

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    after thumbs down and being asked by E-mail

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