
Why does it always freeze when i try to watch an online video?

by  |  earlier

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When i click play, it just freeze, it's not pause, and the buffering line has finished the video, then i drag the seek point then again, it plays for about 4 second and it freeze, it just keep repeating that! And I can't hear any sounds! Any suggestion what's causing this and stop it? :(




  1. If it's already downloaded your video card may not be up to displaying live video, so your CPU has to do the drawing, and doing it in software is very slow compared to a GPU doing it in hardware.

  2. you must not be "tech savy." your computer or internet is too slow. you need to give it time to download the video....  

  3. mabye the vedio card not that good to paly vedio you may have to change it.

  4. wats ur ISP if u got dial-up den get like verizon or sumthing....

  5. more ram  

  6. Computer Keeps Freezing. Your computer will keep freezing possibly because of a number of things but the most common reason is from registry errors.  

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