
Why does it appear that the people who are skeptical about global warming are more intelligent?

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Why does it appear that the people who are skeptical about global warming are more intelligent?




  1. That's known as "observer bias".  Error is introduced into measurement when observers overemphasize behavior they expect to find and fail to notice behavior they do not expect.

    You also need to know that there's a difference between being skeptical and being a global warming doubter.  All scientists are skeptical by nature, but once convincing evidence is put forth a person who ignores that evidence is no longer being skeptical, they are being dogmatic (probably due to religious or political ideology).

  2. Because skeptics research an issue instead of following along like blind sheep.

  3. I would support the alarmist movement if they could get fundamental science right. So far it doesn't seem to be going in that direction.

  4. People who are skeptical do not rely on the tabloid journalism of the popular media.

    Instead skeptical people go to the professional peer reviewed scientific literature for their information.

    for example skeptical people who are serious about the issue of Global Warming read the IPCC reports(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change).

    People who read the IPCC reports are generally more intellingent and better educated than the average members of the population.

    People who read the IPCC reports also have a more mature, balanced and sober view of the issue of Global Warming when compared with people who rely on the popular media for their information.

  5. That only goes to prove that in humans, at least, appearances can be deceptive.

    Anyone who is skeptical about Global Warming now is either living in the wrong place, or is a fool, or is being paid to voice that opinion.

    There are so many interests, both political and economic,  involved in trying to shield the hapless general public from the realisation of just how appallingly disruptive and potentially catastrophic Global Warming might be.

  6. Because we do our research, Global warming is a HUGE hoax, and is being put into place to bring about a global tax,they aren't satisfied just s******g americans anymore..they wanna s***w everybody!!!

  7. Dear Count Bleck,

    Because what "appears" on TV are handsome faces and media-savvy 'experts.'  It is SO easy to be a skeptic on a TV news show.  News shows look for "balance," and in their skewed thinking they assume 'balance' means 50/50. That means that if 99% of the experts believe global warming is a threat, news shows seek out the 1% of 'experts' who disagree--even if that 1% of 'experts' includes my aging  Great Uncle Joe who believes global warming is a myth created by space aliens. who want to destroy our planet.


  8. Probably because you're a 'skeptic', so you agree with what they say, so they seem smart to you.

    Like Ken said, it's observer bias.

    When you consider the fact that virtually all climate scientists support the man-made global warming theory, and they're the 'smartest' (most informed) people on the subject, clearly you perception is wrong.

  9. Because, we are skeptics - not gullible and did our research.

  10. because we misunderestimate them, and they have the added benefit of real science like creationism going for them.  How can one argue against people like that?

  11. More intelligent than these guys?  I don't think so.

    The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    More intelligent than Stephen Hawking?  That's not credible.

  12. Because we are. Or maybe we are more willing to look at the facts as opposed to buying what the main stream media is selling.

  13. i wouldn't say we are more intelligent, but we don't seem to be as desperate to get our point across, and we don't believe everything we're told without doing our own research first. Basically we're not gullible or overly defencive

  14. Do  you think they are more intelligent? I certainly don't. I think too many people are ignorant about global warming.

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