
Why does it bother me when my mom has s*x?

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i can understand why this bothered me when i was little i think, but im 18 years old and it really bothers me when i hear her having s*x or knowing that she is having or going to have s*x, before i thought it was because i hated her a*****e boyfriend who really was a complete scum bag but now shes been seeing this guy that i really like and am really happy that shes finally seeing a new and really nice guy but she brought him home tonight and hes sleeping here and for some reason it REALLY bothered me knowing they were going to be sleeping together and i really dont understand why. can anybody explain why i feel like this?




  1. because she's your mother. people tend to get jealous because they love that somebody even if she a family or friend or a boyfriend. for me its just normal and anyway she should just keep it to herself whenever they do these things.

  2. Hi Sami,

      She's your Mother and no kid wants to know when their parents or partners are doing the dirty.Have a talk with mom and tell her to let you know when she will be having her new boy friend over for the night.Explain to her you feel uncomfortable about this matter and that you would like to stay all night with a friend. I am sure mom will understand,besides that mom doesn't want you to hear her having s*x either My Friend.

    Your Friend,


  3. Giggity.

  4. To me there are two groups of people in the world that don't have s*x.

    Parents and children.

    I guess it's just the way it's perceived.

    Of course it's going to bug you, it's totally normal.

    She's your mom and you can respect her still, so as long as it's not truely damaging your relationship, I don't see how it's all that big a problem =]

  5. no one likes knowing there parents are getting it on.  if i heard mine having s*x i would have to leave the house that would be to gross for me

  6. Cuz it's gross to think about your parents having s*x! I totally understand, it's just like..... EWW! lol

  7. You want what she has.. Stop complaining and get your own guys.  

  8. Why don't you tell her you can hear her.  That is gross, turn the t.v. or radio up to drown out the monkey sounds.  ewwww  It bothers you cause you can hear them!

  9. I think it's because your worried that your mother might get hurt during the yeah and her feelings. You don't know why it bothers you but you'll find out. It's like your not ready for her to go through that step. and your not willing to let her go to the path that might end her into a broken heart. Trust me when i see two people (old) people making out with the tongue it's nasty it's like old love! but I have to accept that they love each other. Also you need to accept the fact that your mother wants to have yea because she loves him.

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