
Why does it cost 5 points to ask a questions??

by  |  earlier

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Why does it cost 5 points to ask a questions??




  1. The point is to keep down to some degree the number of questions, or at least to keep them to meaningful ones.  By associating a cost, there are not so many superfluous questions.

    And by refunding 3 points for you picking a best answer, it encourages full participation in all aspects of the process.

  2. because instead of posting endless questions, you'll run out of points and be forced to answer other peoples questions. For community spirit

  3. I dont know but i think that it sucks! Because if nobody asked any questions then there would be no answers thus, there would be no point on calling it "Yahoo Answers". Really you should be awarded points for asking a question as it is the questions that keep yahoo! answer services running.

  4. Andrew,

    I believe it's done so that people will think twice before posting inane questions.

    By that line of logic, I think it should cost folks 50 points to post a question.

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