
Why does it cost so much?

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why does it cost so much? i mean where i live a travel ice hockey team cost $2000 and a travel roller hockey team is like $500. so why is ice hockey whay more expensive then roller?




  1. because of the ice maintenance

  2. Of course the ice is a factor.

    But your travel team might be more all-inclusive in costs that some of the others. I'd rather pay it up front than be hit with more, more, more all season.

  3. ice

  4. Big reason the cost of maintaining the ice sheets. The insurance is also much higher for ice hockey as well. . I feel your pain I play adult women's travel and it is really expensive for us as well.

    EDIT nypen: The tryout fee is just the first step. Then you have the team fee. Then you have the tourney fees as separate. Our base price for adult women last season was $600. That included two times a week one hour practices, coaches fees and jerseys. Tourney fees, hotels, and everything else was extra.

  5. I'd agree on the ice maintenance and all that, but really? At my rink, in-house is near $1,000 and travel is only a $75 try-out fee. We travel within about 4 states, as well.

    Edit: Kimmy: This is true... but we didn't have to pay for tournaments, just hotels and jerseys. My team really wasn't too far over $350. Compare that to in-house... Maybe it's because we're only 13 and 14, haha.

  6. cuz of ice they make.

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