
Why does it cost so much to help save the planet?Will the day ever come when Solar power is standard on houses

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keep it simple: that did not answer any part of my question




  1. lol because we have spent so much money destroying it

    and i hope there is a day when solar power is the only power but that wont happen untill global warming become a problem we cant overlook like most things

  2. the saying goes dont be part of the problem be part of the solution  if everyone i mean everyone did their fair share this would be great but everyone is looking for the government to act  it got to be us  we can make a difference

  3. I was looking at a 1989 copy of popular mechanics lately on a rainy day.   There was an article on a mineature cell phone, about the size of two decks of cards, that was selling for $1995.   It had pretty much no features and no screen.   Now phones cost a couple bucks and are more powerful than desktop computers were in 1989.      Solar power will come down in price eventually like the phone did if enough people show interest in it.   Then it will be everywhere like the phones are.

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