
Why does it happen that,even elders are wrong we have to listen to them, &we cannot argu with them? why?

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is there any way to explain them that, things they always say to do are not always right, plz i want some solution for this.




  1. It is called respect, right or wrong they are trying to give you the benefit of their experience. You can stand/sit there and smile sweetly and nod your head occasionally or you can get into a argument.

    Your choice.  

  2. Because till you get adulthood they are the boss. The following story will help you to understand it better. It is an authority which counts.

    A sales rep, an administration clerk, and the manager are walking to lunch when they find an antique oil lamp.

    They rub it and a Genie comes out.

    The Genie says, 'I'll give each of you just one wish.'

    'Me first! Me first!' says the admin clerk. 'I want to be in the Bahamas , driving a speedboat, without a care in the world.'

    Puff! She's gone.

    'Me next! Me next!' says the sales rep. 'I want to be in Hawaii , relaxing on the beach with my personal masseuse, an endless supply of Pina Coladas and the love of my life.'

    Puff! He's gone.

    'OK, you're up,' the Genie says to the manager.

    The manager says, 'I want those two back in the office after lunch.'

    Moral of the story

    Always let your boss have the first say. In your case it is your parents.

  3. Simple. It says in the Bible, Those who are not for you, Are against you. Only listen to your parents. Just respect your elders. You do not have to listen to nobody, But your parents. Stand on their shoulders. Learn from their Mistakes. And be as wise at 30 as you would have been at 60. Remember this phrase. If I knew then what I Know now! You fill in the rest. Love ya! Bye.

  4. because when people get older, their brain deteriorates. our brain is more functionable than theirs, but they know more than we do.

  5. Because you respect them.

  6. out of regards, but elders should not be that adament..

  7. Yeah, respect towards others is a good thing; nevertheless respect should not be only one-sided.

    Of course all of us grew up with a certain education, which implicates to respect our elders over everything else.

    In other cultures it is more normal that young people speak openly about their ideas and even discuss everything with their parents and family members.

    We have been raised in a different way: We are supposed to shut up and listen and accept everything the elders tell us without even questioning it.

    I always believed in respect, but in mutual respect.

    Parents who do not respect the opinions, ideas and wishes of their children and not even take them serious raise psychologically sick children, children who feel that they are not taken in serious and in their future they will probably have certain problems to demand anything for themselves in adult life.

    I believe that young people do have to think different about certain aspects of life and issues, as otherwise there would never be any evolution.

    If parents cut the wings of their children when they are young what will society be able to expect from them once they have grown up?

    I do not want to give the idea that I am in favour to treat elders without respect or not taking them in serious, but most of them have to learn to be more open minded and at least be willing to listen to their children’s opinions and accept them as another (valid) option.

    In our society most often there does not even exist any sincere dialogue between parents and their children.

    Children do not speak about what really concerns them with their parents, because they know that their demands will be rejected anyway and why lose time?

    Parents do not even listen to their children and suddenly when their children reach the majority of age and turn their backs on them they permanently ask themselves what they did wrong.

    This is not the way a family should be like.

    Without dialogue and understanding there will never be such a thing called brainstorming, where everybody shares their ideas and finally a good compromise is accepted.

    No, in our society things are this way: Your elders speak and you have to listen and accept everything without even moaning… and once you have grown up you will be expected to do the same with your children… sounds a little odd, no? Sounds as if there was a lack of progress.

    Of course elders are wrong over many things as well, but in our society they do not have to admit it.

    Wise people know to mediate over things, learn permanently and grow as a person. Wise persons are not that lazy as sitting on their throne and say that things are that way because things always have been that way. Wise people do not justify things saying that things have to be done in a certain way because he says so and no discussion is allowed.

    This is dictatorship and has nothing to do with raising your children well and make them strong for the future.

    I certainly will not commit the same mistakes my parents committed with their children with my daughter.

    This is the good thing, you can learn out of your experience and do better once you have reached adult age and you hopefully have not been totally brainwashed until then.

    What can you do meanwhile?

    Accept the circumstances, unfortunately nobody will be able to change your elders they are absolutely inflexible.

    Make up your own mind and find your own direction.

    You know that they are not right at all with many things they say and do, but try to ignore it and do your own thing.

    Once you are an “elder” you could be somebody who is able to dialogue with your children and show that you are a wise person who is able to change her mind and learn new things permanently.  

    It´s up to you what your future will be like.

  8. Elders believe they are always rite ven when they are wrong. Thats just how the way it goes with their mentality...believing that their ways are the best and things their time were the best. U just gotta pay them no mind and just roll ur way. u cant argue caz that will be rude. So just shut up and smile....bite ur tongue if u have to when they are giving advice. Works for me:)

  9. It's called respect.  It doesn't mean that you must do what they say if you, feel or, know that they are wrong but, if they turn out to be right, you owe them an apology.

  10. yeah many times they can be wrong . but you must realise that they speak form experience. but sometimes their experiences are not relevant in todays' times. the world has changed so much over the years. tecnologically and socially.

    so actually it is pretty easy to decide what you gotta do. if you face any technological difference of opinion with them, they cannot argue or stop you from doing things which you have gotta  to do  in order to make progress in  school, college, at work, etc. so you reallly have your decisions made for you on that account. you know what you gotta do to move ahead in your field. so just do it .

    if you face any difference of opinion regarding your conduct or behavior or acts , then too it is pretty much simple to decide what to do. i am sure you are mature enough to distinguish between what is right and wrong. whether your action, speech or  habit is harmful to you or to others. whether you will hurt someone or cause a loss to anyone  by doing something. so just do what is right for everybody, including you.

    dont bother arguing with them, they wouldn't understand.and moreover if you do what is right, then i dont think even they will have any reason to complain.

    do your bit. do the things that HAVE to be done. that will lessen your frustration with your elders . no one can point a finger at you and you will have plenty of time and opportunity to enjoy life.

    SMILE , life is too short to waste on trivial arguments.

  11. This is called generation GAP!!

  12. Because they are more experienced and  they know more.

    Sometimes this can be really irritating!

    But the truth of the matter is that sometimes you don't have a choice if they know what's best for you if you're still under their roof. They may just have your best interests at heart.  

  13. Just say no and tell them the right thing  

  14. That culture. They feel if we argue with them,it means we do not respect them. So sometimes better to pretend that we accept their words even it is senseless. One time I argue with one Indian professor,always he expect other people just say -yes and listen him. I told him about two subject that he said wrongly,even in kindly way, but then he did not talk to me at all,and start talk to my husband family that i am not obedient at all.

    Not possible to change their mentality.

  15. This is called respecting them... But if u r confident as what they said is wrong.. dont argue with them and try to implement in ur way and show them the fruits from ur way and apologise them for not following their way...

    By this way.. u expressed ur respect and u solved ur the issue in ur way..

  16. b'coz it's happening from old time

    and we are following it

  17. First of all a star for you.

    Even I wanted to say the same thing b'coz I just can't bear this anymore. These elders can't understand & think about what they are saying or doing and just go on with whatever they think is right. Also they don't accept their mistake b'coz they are having ego problem & can't accept the mistake. If they accept it kindly then its well & good but no they can't. Even they are stubborn & adamant and do only what they think is right and doesn't listen to children or younger people in the family.

    I would like to ask here only one point - Do they have any certificate certifying that whatever they do is right & couldn't be wrong?

  18. The way we are trained, only a spoiled brat would argue by screaming, buh maybe calmly talking to them and explaining or even witting a  not would help, because ur anger could lead to tantrums and it isn't good, just write a not explaining calmly or write in a diary to get ur emotions out!

  19. Well not quite sure where you are coming from but if you are talking about a family situation then the healthy families allow you to have your say and express your views.  

  20. Why do you have to listen to them? It really depends on how they brought you up I guess. If they brought you up to be independent in thinking and behaviour, then they would not force their opinions and ideas on you, instead, give you the freedom to make up your own mind as to how you feel about things...

    Your parents are NOT ALWAYS RIGHT. Remember that. Sometimes they have no idea about today's times and how to deal with their growing kids. So my answer is: Stand your ground and voice your opinion, if you have one, that is... and it's valid, remember that....

  21. Because it's not respectful to argue with old people

  22. We have to listen or pretend to listen but let me tell you that even they did not listen to all that their peers had to give for advice. Some things in life you learn only by making a mistake. Be polite and yes them to death and then make your own mind up on what works for you.  

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