
Why does it have to hurt so?

by  |  earlier

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Yesterday was so dark

All those fears in my face again

Today it didn’t rain

My soul is trying to come through the clouds

Tomorrow is a mystery

Anticipation excites me on every level

The past crushes me

Such a burden to travel with

The present brings confusion

Analyzing each moment seeking answers

The future sits silently

Step by step cautiously advancing forward

Memories of my life

Images darting about contradicted by confessions

Sitting here my solitary sentence

Purging the mental mistakes for protection

Ahead lay the unknown

Constant struggle to maintain self control

Please forgive me

Please trust me

Please hold me

Please love me

I’m only human you know





  1. i really love this one.  the first two verses were the best for me though.  but i think it's one that rolls so fast and smoothly it's hard to get with the big words.  it's like a pronunciation piece.  one missed pronunciation and the rhyme doesn't fit

  2. You are speaking truths that we can all relate to. Our inner selves have this spot - of confusion, doubt, uncertainty and sadness. Are we going to be okay tomorrow? Did I do right in the past? Why can't I just be "happy" now?  Be content in the present moment if it holds no peril.  If danger exists - you will know how to react.  Do not struggle to create an action - if it doesn't exist.  Take peace graciously - when it comes. ♥

  3. Yes Indeed you are human.I am so concerned that all your writings are somewhat very dark.

    It is almost as though you are crying out,I might add that you are never alone,no matter how Alone you May feel.I Think for each of us there are times we Feel so Desperately alone and Hopeless.

    For Most, There Have Been Times of Unreasonable Doubts and Fears. I Truly Think You should now Concentrate on your Bright side,I feel Certain you have One. It Would be So Nice To See A Lighter side of you,on this

    Page. Please Don't Think For One Moment I do

    not Appreciate Your Overwhelming Words,[ of

    which I detect Wisdom,Tragedy,and Love.]For

    I sincerely do,It's just that People Like Myself,who feel as you obviously feel also,Need A Little Encouragement now and Then.

    Life Has Not Been Good To Me My Dear MAN, and if I dwell on All that has Happened I will never want to Wake up. No Doubt The Thumbs Down Will come out now,but I am Merely trying to make my Concerns for you Known.You Are A Great Writer,but write something you can Share With All of Us,That Will Show Another side of you, A Happy Side.

  4. I don't think self-pity is a form of expression.

  5. To improve this piece:

    Make a study of what exactly is meant by the genre of literature called poetry. This is not it. What you have here is a free form (undisciplined) diary entry that might improve if you restarted the piece simply and clearly as prose. Start at the beginning, explain, then end it.

    A series of vague generalizations, I'm afraid, do not communicate anything and communication is the point of all writing - even if one writes solely for onself.

    Get an anthology of poetry at a library and start there. Find some you like, then take a few lines and build on them - make them your own. Literature, like all the disciplines, demands that we stand on the shoulders of giants. What you need are some giants.

  6. This is a lovely poem of inventory of self, One can't change the past, but today can be anything you want it to be, Look to

    this day, a day at a time, or a moment if need be.

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