
Why does it hurt to cry ?

by  |  earlier

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when i cry my eyes hurt... liek in the lids its painful lol why is this?




  1. Are you wearing makeup? if so, that's why

  2. You may have sensitive eyes and the salt in your tears burns or something. Or it could be whatever facial cleanser you are using if the residue washes down into your eyes when you cry. Have you asked a doc?

  3. If you are tired or your eyes are dry the salt in your tears will burn when you first begin to cry.

  4. The salt content stings your eyes.  

  5. it hurts to not cry.

  6. maybe you are very tired? maybe you have an eye infection? maybe you have a stie? (sp?) It could be a lot of different things. If it irritates you enough then go see a doctor.

  7. do you have eczema around your eyes?

  8. You could have a blocked tear duct.

    Try some eye drops, or check with a doctor or opthalmologist.

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