
Why does it hurt when i wee?

by Guest56842  |  earlier

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It only started yesterday, but it really really burns when i wee and i was wondering if i should go and see my doctor, or if its nothing to worry about. i'm in my late teens and have a boyfriend, but im on the pill. help?




  1. go see a doctor even if you're embarrassed or are frightened of going to a gyno

    no matter how horribly mortifying the initial conversation/checkup with your doc is, you will feel loads better after

    just be honest. it's the only way they'll be able to properly help you

    good luck! hope everything is okay

  2. you might have an STD (gonorrhea).

  3. STI.. your boyfriend has something or you have been sleeping around and have now made him catch sumit. Go doctor it could just be thrush.. yeast infection.

  4. UTI actually, ignore all the comments saying STI, they've obviously never had an infection down there that was not related completely to s*x.

    It's a UTI, no doubt about it, some people call it cystitis but it's all the same basically.

    The cranberry juice tale is an old wife's tale according to my doctor and it doesn't really work. It may help some people because if they think it will work, more than likely it will, the mind works in mysterious ways.

    You need to get to a doctor before this gets any worse.

    In the mean time, my doctor told me to mix a teaspoon of bicarb with some water and drink it, it tastes absolutely foul, but it ALWAYS provides relief, sometimes it's only temporary and sometimes it works a treat and I don't go to the doctors because I don't need to any longer.

    The fact that water isn't helping suggests to me you've already gone past the point of a quick fix where it will be antibiotics for a few days and it may have already spread to your bladder and/or kidneys, this is potentially a very dangerous situation and you need to see a doctor as soon as you can.

    On the upside the moment you get the medication you need and start taking them, relief should be almost instantaneous.

    Hope you feel better soon =]

  5. Baby, pills don't help protect you from a dirty d*ck . You might have an STD. To make you feel better it might be an UTI .Either way you need to go to the doctor

  6. Sounds like you have a urinary tract infection, you need to seek medical attention.

    Good Luck.

  7. If you feel like you have to go often and it really hurts then it sounds like a Urinary Tract Infection. These are easily treated but you need to go to the doctor to get antibiotics for it. If you don't it can move to your kidneys and then it can become serious. I get them all the time - they are horrible so it best to get it sorted out ASAP. Some ways to avoid them are drinking cranberry juice, peeing straight after s*x, and wipin with a baby wipe before s*x. Good luck

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