
Why does it keep saying this?

by  |  earlier

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I bought the Norton Anti Virus stuff for 3 computers, and i was the first one we used it on. We've never had a problem with it it always got rid of viruses and everything, but now everytime I scan, I just have one trackign cookie and it says its a low risk but should still be deleted anyway, when I try to delete it or fix it or whatever, it says it's not available in the free version of norton antivirus and spyware. I first downloaded the free trial but that was in December, I bought the new one January and its never said this before. How do I fix it? Just install it again or what.




  1. Getting norton was a huge mistake. Download spybot search and destroy by searching it in google. It will take care of your problem.

  2. Norton is a difficult program to control (it controls your PC). I deleted it lately and downloaded free AVG anti-virus edition and it works wonder.

    If anything fails just re-install Norton.


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