
Why does it make you feel better?

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if a person has good thoughts concerning you then if a person has angry thoughts about you?

During the process they are thinking this, you might be able to feel what the quality of their thoughts are.

So do thoughts have a certain vibration in itself?




  1. Most of us--sociopaths excepted--have a desire to be liked.  I want to be around nice people, so I want people to want to be around me too.  If someone is angry or happy I can usually tell (if I know them) from the non-verbal cues they display.  So, no, I see no reason to say thoughts have a vibration.  Why would they need a vibration?

  2. I don't know if it's vibrations of thoughts, but I work in PR by trade and over the years have learned the powers of positive and negative energy, and how to spin negative energy into positive, and how people "whispering" works. I do think there is positive and negative energy that can affect people, but sometimes it seems quantifiable and sometimes it seems like voodoo. I do think some people -- very few -- can focus their thoughts and effect some sort of change in certain situations, but am still learning how this works and do not want to venture into mumbo-jumbo land with any further response.

  3. I think there's something to this. I never thought about it before. But, I remember people I've been around who almost (or do ) make me "freeze" on the spot..when I WANT to run. I usually end up saying something I regret. And I get this bad feeling. this might be something totally different from what you're talking about. I just wonder why I freeze -in- place!! Has this happened to you? It SEEMS like THEY  are controlling me. You might be right about what you said...or it may be their energy. I will even turn to leave and turn back around and I'm their dog or something.I'd like to know how to overcome that.

    EDIT..Well..back to YOUR question. lol...I can see that! When my dogs are happy to see makes me feel better. When  I cross paths with somebody I KNOW doesn't like me..I have a bad feeling. There can be a person I just met and I think they  are neutral about me..then it feels like something stabs me...usually by something they say or do or their tone of voice. Then I feel my aura has been hurt. lol (that's the only way I can think of to describe it).

      I used to work with the mentally retarded/cerebral palsy handicapped. As much as it seems like you 'd get a bad feeling around them...I always got GOOD  feelings from them. You know...when you just want to jump out and hug somebody? (But don't try it..most people are protective of their space.) You'll get a REALLY bad feeling if you hug somebody who doesn't want to be hugged!

  4. Thoughts don't have any "vibration", in any valid scientific sense.

    If you're around a person who thinks badly of you, chances are you'll be able to pick up visual or social cues and naturally this is going to affect your mood. That's all it is.

  5. Yes. Thoughts are extremely powerful. All matter eventually began as thought.

  6. not vibes, but self esteem.

    The more self esteem you have, the less is determined by what you perceive others think of you.

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