
Why does it matter Palin is under investigation?

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It seems that there are many people who are concerned that Sarah Palin is under investigation for the issue with her ex brother-in-law--why? Nothing has been proven. That's why it is UNDER INVESTIGATION! In this country, we are innocent until proven guilty. And, in all honesty, if I were Sarah Palin, and I found out from my sister that she was being abused, I would do anything I could do "get" the jerk doing the abusing. And, as I have said before, do we really want a state trooper on the street who allegedly beats the h**l out of his own family?

Moreover, I think people are losing focus. This race, essentially, is not about Sarah Palin OR Joe Biden. It's a race between McCain and Barack Obama.




  1. Sure nothing has been proven, and it is under investigation. However, the fact that there even is an investigation shows the likelihood that someone has erred. If that someone is Palin, and she is using the power of her office for personal gain, and she is showing poor judgment, then that certainly goes to her character. Character should definitely be considered when you are running for office.

    I find it ironic that you are making the point that in the investigation has been proven, yet in the same breath you admit the charges against the trooper are just allegations at this time, however you seem willing to believe those.

    When the presidential pick is 72 and has already had 4 bouts with cancer, who the vice president nominee is absolutely of top importance. Palin has had 2 years of experience as governor of a state that is not like most of the others in issues, crime, smog, population, etc. and 4 years experience as the mayor of a town of 9,000. Can we really trust her to lead our country, to represent us in the international community?

  2. I smell democrat desperation. Barry has a lot more skeletons in his closet.

  3. I am more concerned that Obama is not under investigation for his ties to Ayers and Rezko. Where did all the money go for education while he and Ayers sat and demolished the public school system , or how did he get such a sweet deal on his mansion, 300,000 under market value.  

  4. Are you serious? You wouldn't care if the Vice President of the United States was under any kind of investigation? This race absolutely has to do with Biden and Palin. If anything happens to the President the VP is second in command and has to take over immediately. I guess you wouldn't mind a VP who was under suspicion of murder. Whatever!!

  5. Well Said!!  What we have now is a lot of Sexist Democrats who are attacking Women, Mothers, and Married People. Who would have thought that the Democrats would be against the Rights of Women in Present Day America. Maybe they might also agree that Men have the right to beat up their wives and children.

    Next we may learn that one of the Democrat Senators was the Leader of the KKK. OH, we know that already!

  6. I agree that it is wrong to convict her in the public before her investigation is over, but you know thats not what the MSM does. And since the MSM is mostly pro-dem?...well, don't expect them to lighten up on her.

  7. Obama supporters are wanting to shift attention from Kurtz's uncovering of the Ayers/Obama connection.

    Listen to the full two-hour interview with Stanley Kurtz on his findings about Obama and Ayers - reading OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS on the air.

    Watch the ad that Obama's team has tried to remove from the airways:

  8. That's funny, you defend Sarah Palin for being an unprofessional doofus running state government like a domestic household.

    Now, that comes form a lack of experience, it does show she has got a lot people mad at her that there is an investigation, not easy to do in a one party state.  BTW, I think she is not guilty , but definitely not innocent.

    This does matter as it shows John McCain made a rather poor decision picking Palin as VP, if he can't do that, what else will he do that's not good.


    Let it be clear Palin is no (Hillary Clinton) . She doesn't have the experience that hillary dose  so it's laughable no insulting to even mention Palin in the same sentence.  Who is Sarah Palin ? She was elected Alaska 's governor a little over a year and a half ago. Her previous office was mayor of Wasilla, a small town outside Anchorage. She has no foreign policy experience.1

    Palin is strongly anti-choice, opposing abortion even in the case of rape or incest.2

    She supported right-wing extremist Pat Buchanan for president in 2000. 3

    Palin thinks creationism should be taught in public schools.4

    She's doesn't think humans are the cause of climate change.5

    She's solidly in line with John McCain's "Big Oil first" energy policy. She's pushed hard for more oil drilling and says renewables won't be ready for years. Palin isn't the change this country need so please keep her in Alaska .

    OBAMA/ BIDEN 2008

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