
Why does it matter if you sleep or not??

by  |  earlier

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Okay so I have a question and I don't know if it is or not important but I'm curious. Why is it that if you fall asleep your ready for the next day but if you stay up the whole night your not?? I know you get energy from sleeping and we need it but really! Sorry about the random question its just I've been staying up for about 3-4 nights in a row and I still haven't crashed...maybe its the fact that I'm drinking Jolt :P




  1. That's really not healthy. Keep it up for long enough, and you'll be likely to have a serious accident due to reduced judgement and reaction time.

    Eventually you'd hallucinate, and after that's been going on for a while, you'd die.  

  2. jolt is bad for you

    really stop killing yourself  

  3. You should have a sleep...

    To get back 1 night, after being all night long awake, you will need at least 4 days.

    Your brain needs to "fresh" up to be up-to-date the next day ; drinking coffee will make it worst !!

    I really recommand you to sleep.

    Read this :

  4. i studied pyschology a level and studied sleep and dreams. there are no scientific reasons why we sleep as we gain as much enegy from lying with our eyes closed for a few hours,. but tests showed that people deprived of sleep were affected quite badly.


  5. well, jolt is an energy drink, (which you shouldn't be drinking it) it matters if you sleep because it recharges your body for the next day and if you don't sleep you'll end up getting grouchy.

  6. Sleeping gives your energy and helps your mind rest. Cool Question.

  7. What your doing isn't healthy.

    Sleep girl!

    Your mind needs to shut down at night. Your body needs rest.

  8. When you sleep, your brain goes over your days activities and chooses what you wll remember tomorrow, and what will be forgotten.

    It also builds up your energy and stamina for the next day, keeps you in a better mood,

  9. u need sleep because when u sleep your brain rests

  10. The synaptic corridors in the mind need rest. If you don't rest them then your judgment is clouded, balance can suffer, and somewhere along the way you may crash and burn. It can cause mental stress, and even create a diseased state. Jolt is just high caffeine and sugar, so it won't stop the brain from sleeping, but it can't be good for you to over stimulate yourself.

  11. haha the jolt is probably it. haha. well i sleep maybe 3-4 hours usually. and i'm always awake and ready for the next day and everything, but sometimes i don't go to sleep at all and i'm still ready for the next day, i also have a sorta excessive amount of energy though and i always have. so the MOST sleep i can like ever get it about 6 hours. haha.

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