
Why does it rain hard after or on a humid day?

by Guest63678  |  earlier

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I live in NYc and everytime ther eis a Hot/Humid day there's always a tuhunder storm or heavy rain why? Also After it rains does that mean the Humidity will be lower? if so why?




  1. Actually, clouds are always saturated.

    Higher humidity air has more moisture per volume (at a given temp), so when convective forces start it to rising and cooling, saturation is reached sooner so the cloud base is lower.  Since the moisture content is greater (saturation was reached at a higher temp and lower altitude), there is more rain to be squeezed out on a volume basis while cooling it down.  Also, since the rising air below the cloud base is humid, less evaporation of the rain drops occurs on the way back down to the ground.  All effects lead to heavier rains.

  2. High humidity means the air is saturated with water vapor, including the clouds. When the temperature drops sufficiently to produce precipitation, there's a lot to be precipitated.

  3. Let me put it simply: A lot of humidity means a lot of moisture in the air. And clouds are just collective drops of moiture. At a certain temperature it will rain.

    After it rains it really depends where the hunidity is. there could stiull be a lot cuz it'll rain more, or there will be less since the water is on the ground.

    Tke a Sahna fore example. inside it is really humid, because there is a lot of moisture in there

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