
Why does it rain more in summer than winter?

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Why does it rain more in summer than winter?




  1. Because during the summer, i have more time to make mother nature wet.

  2. Because it is hotter in summer and the sun evaporates more water so it rains a lot more.

  3. Rainfall  follows a predictable pattern and it's relatively easy to understand.

    From May through September the tilt of the earth creates long, warm summer days in North America and brings the sun directly overhead

    Where the sun shines straight down it heats more, warm air picks up moisture near the surface, then rises and expands.  Expansion cools the air forcing the water out, first as tiny droplets that form clouds, then as the droplets combine into drops, rainfall. ***

  4. Although PPK and Helmut gave good answers as to the reasons for the warmer air and more moisture in it, I am sorry, I can't agree that there is more rain fall in the summer than the winter.

    It all depends on the region; you don't state where your observation is done.

    If you live in a temperate latitude under the influence of the passing depressions on the front between the polar and temperate air masses, then you should see more rain or snow in the winter than then summer.

    That is because in the winter, the pole is under a six months' night and the difference of temperature with the equator is greater, thus the depressions deeper, the wind stronger and more rain fall.

    But if you live e.g. near the sea, in the summer you will be more subject to the sea breeze effect that brings rain fall in the afternoon and even thunderstorms, as you have already been told.

    However, if you live in a tropical region, ... I wouldn't know; I live in Norway. I have sailed and been flying light aircraft for nearly 50 years and I know pretty well meteorology in northern Europe. If you live say, north of latitude 40, I would think that looking at yearly climatic tables for your region will show that it rains most in the winter. If you live south of that ... I wouldn't know, I am sorry.

  5. The more sunshine you get, the warmer the air becomes. The warmer air is, the more water it can hold. Also, the difference in temperature between the ground and the air is higher in summer, which contributes to cloud making and thunderstorm formation.

  6. It doesn't!!  At least not where I live (Sacramento, CA).  We rarely see a drop of rain in the California Valley from May to November. No, that's not an exaggeration.  

      Weather is dependent on where you are on the planet, where the wind patterns are, where the current moisture is, where the moon is...well, no...but nearly.  Technically, we might be able to unravel the factors that create each day's highs and lows, but there are so many of them, and they are so subtly linked that the best we can do is come close.  For now.  So your answer is....because that's what the weather is like where you are!  :)

  7. More water evaporates, and the warm air can hold more water vapor in the summer. In the winter less water evaporates, the air can hold less water, and  in most areas it is cold enough to snow rather than raining.

  8. The Southern state of India called Tamil Nadu gets maximum rainfall during october, November and December(due to north-east monsoon) only.

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