
Why does it seem Catholics are more steadfast and non-hypocritical in their beliefs than Protestants?

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It seems like time after time, examples are made of how Catholics are more steadfast in their beliefs than my fellow Protestants. And I can't decide what it is that the modern Protestant lacks to act as motivation to stick to what is right.

When I tell others that I am trying to follow the Bible as closely as possible--do not swear, for women to have long hair, to preserve yourself for marriage, to divorce only in limited circumstances--other Protestants call me "old-fashioned" instead of acknowledging that this is what the Bible teaches.

Why is this?




  1. Its really interesting that you would say that. I am Catholic and have a few Catholic friends but I always saw Protestants as much more traditional and steadfast. there's something a Catholic comedian once said that I just had to nod and say, "yeah" he said "Catholics don't have to read the bible, so they don't we just do what the pope tells us."

    So yeah I have to disagree but nothing wrong with being old fashioned, believe what you believe and believe it strongly.

  2. Very volatile question. Of course there are hypocrites everywhere but the big difference that I see is that there are maybe thirty thousand different sects or protestantism. Thats including non affiliated churches. Many, many with their own interpretations of this or that.

    The catholics have a single authority to answer to ultimately the Pope with the help of the magisterium. This authority comes from the Apostolic line going back to Jesus himself who appointed Peter as the head of his Church  and promised that it will stand throughout time. The Catholics believe this still and are obedient to its doctrine and disciplines. (doctrine has never changed) (discipline can and has done so in the past) Faith is required plus obedience as long as it does not involve being obedient to sin.

    You are not old fashioned, unless someone changed the rules and forgot to tell God about it.  G/L

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