
Why does it seem SO important?

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for a cat to jump into an empty box. My three are taking turns. Been doing it for days...




  1. Empty paper bags are great, too.  We like the rustling noise it makes.  We love shopping day. Lotz of new sniffs.   Mom even buys us nip once in a while. ;-)

  2. Because it is a new space, you've given your cats a lovely new cat "cave" to hide and play in. Soon they will tire of it, as it will no longer be new and find other places to explore.

  3. Good question but I only have theories.

    It's a place where they are NOT, so they must therefore get there.

    It makes them feel safe to be in an enclosed space.

    It smells good.  Or at least different.

    It gives them a chance to dramatize their situation.  For instance when Sophie jumps into our clothes baskets, I'm convinced she's playing what I call "jail kitty."  Poor little kitty in jail looking between the "bars" of her cell, having a little pity party sitting on death row.  (I even wrote a song to go with it, sung to the tune of Goldfinger (not sure why):  Jail Kittay!  Doin' time for a crime she did not commit.

    That's all I got.

  4. Because they don't have a paper bag or plastic milk jug ring to play with!

  5. LOL..My 3 love to do that..and they also love a big paper bag..they all try to get in at the same time..cats love to hide in things..they are so funny..seems they think if they cannot see you...then you cannot see them!

  6. Lol, because maybe it's like...

    Ooh, is there gonna be something in there?! Oh, no. Just a box

    Wait, maybe when I do it there will be something! Nope, not this time.

    Let me have a try, something might happen if I do it! Nope, nothing in the box.

    Well, I'll just have another go to make sure something hasn't crept in without realising. Dang it, nothing!

    Or maybe it's just fun. Why do kids jump into a pond/ jump on a trampoline over and over?

    Or it could be instinct to hide. Our rabbits hide under anything. My dad was doing work around the garden and the rabbits would lie under the wheelbarrow, run away when he moved it, then creep back underneath when it was stationary.

  7. im not sure..

    my cat Isabella gets into any box, bag, or sack she sees.

    and my other cat doesnt do it as much... but still does it.

    i guess its normal?

  8. Cats LOVE hiding places, and they often like to play and sleep in them. Another reason is that cats are very curious and want to know about every square inch of their territory. So, when they see a new box they have to check it out. My cat Fluffy loves to get into my sock drawer, (while it's closed), he's quite a Houdini. Haha.

    I have some cute picture to share with you too...

  9. Most cats love to play and are just plain curious. Leave a box or a bag anywhere and they just have to check it out. As soon as something more interesting comes along they will forget about the box. Just enjoy the entertainment.

  10. hahahahahahahahaha!! that's so funny and cute!!

    I don't have cats..

  11. Wish I knew, any open box around here is an invitation for them to get into it, No matter if they fit into it or not.

  12. their having fun, mine does the same thing, its so cute!

  13. My cat would rather sit on the box than jump in it! lol. She LOVES lying on paper sacks and Wal*Mart sacks. Cats have some VERY strange habits!

  14. When I buy something, I don't even have time to get the thing out of the box! All my 3 babies want to get in at the same time!

  15. It's addicting.  That box is like a drug! I just HAVE to jump in it and admire my self IN the box.  Somepeople say to think OUTSIDE the box, but I think better INSIDE the box!

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