
Why does it seem like China's economy is benefitting more from the Free Trade Agreement than the US?

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Why does it seem like China's economy is benefitting more from the Free Trade Agreement than the US?




  1. because they are.  Our government is too worried about not securing jobs for citizens who don't want to work.  

    Yes I mean to say it that way

  2. Consumers will prefer to buy Goods and Services that are lower in price. A FTA doesn't directly benefit the side that has higher costs.

  3. china is taking full advantage of poor free trade policies and pulling the wool over american eyes.

  4. Because chinese dont have stores over there tricking their consumers into buying "made in america" products. Americans dont care what they buy as long as its lower prices. I wish it was made in taiwan or made in thailand or made in a country that is a little less communist.

  5. The cost of goods manufactured in China is much lower than in the US.  The difference isn't passed proportionately on to the American consumer.  We pay more and more each year despite the fact that it's made cheaper and cheaper.  The bulk of the profit goes to the importer, the corporate executives, the financial institutions, and marketing companies, and then to us.  We need more money to buy someone elses products and are stuck in a spiral.

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