
Why does it seem like Virgos...??

by  |  earlier

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.....always get mad when they don't get what they want? They seem a bit arrogant and full of it.




  1. 1. Because they are perfectionists and have to have everything be perfect.

    2. Because they are workaholics and if they work hard for something they get frustrated when it doesn't go their way.

    3. Because they have the mercurian wit like a gemini and act like a child sometimes.

  2. Because we have a high expectation on how things are and should be. Are standards are almost too high. I know that it looks like we are arrogant. However, I feel like it isn't that way. At least that isn't our intentions. We just expect more of ourselves and others. We are perfectionists. It bothers us if we don't or can't achieve it. And since life isn't perfect, it's a constant battle.

  3. YEs they totally do and when they get mad it has nothing to do with being fair they dont know what that means, they are some of the most selfish people i have ever met especially if you work with them

  4. Yeah tell me about it. I have or had a friend and he is like that, if he don't get what he want he get mad. And if i ask him are you mad he will say no i'm not but i know him longer then today. I told him once to stop act like a little boy who don't get what he want. You cant have everything.

  5. I have a Virgo friend who I like, but I just want to get away when she stresses over the tiniest little thing. I just keep thinking, "Go with it!" I've never understood her pedantry and high expectations; so unlike Pisces. It's like the world is going to end when a spanner is thrown into the works. I don't think I could live with that anxiety. There is that constant wired vibe I get from her.

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