
Why does it seem like fems hate men who truly want equality?

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That being they want to see women paving roads do away with spousal support an so on?




  1. Being a feminist does not make one anti-men. But looking at the reality of it, since a good percentage of the male population are chauvinists, one can't help but be cynical and apprehensive towards the intents of all actions taken by men (even those that are self-proclaimed believers of gender equality).

  2. Some of their rhetoric tends to be very hateful and divisive itself. I agree with them on what should be done, but I don't agree with them on what caused the problems in the first place.

  3. I'm not saying that I agree nor disagree with the following, but here is how I perceive it:

    Many feminists want equality.  But other feminists seem to be less interested in "equality" than "fairness".  To a significant extent we still do live in a patriarchal society.  The idea is to gain equality in some areas, while gaining (or maintaining) distinct advantages in other areas.  These distinct advantages are perceived as necessary to offset the inherent male advantage in a patriarchy.  We can truly speak of "equality" only after the last remnants of patriarchy in our society are extincted.

  4. feminist's do not want equality they want superiority.

      Feminism is a female supremacist ideology.

    Notice how feminist's are all for equality when it is advantageous for women?

    But when personnel responsibility and other tenants of equality that aren't an advantage only to women rears it's head they do everything in there power to make it as unequal as they can.

    They will lie and say they don't hate men in one breathe while in another they will slander on the basis of gender and cheer when a man is killed for no reason other than it was a male who was murdered.

         They do everything in there power to expand females rights while at the same time do everything they can to enslave males so they don't have to worry about "responsibility".


    I have never used the term "fat" or the term "ugly" and never the term "L*****n" to describe feminist's. Most that do are trolls who careless about the current gender inequality in feminist society.

    I just have 0 tolerance for liars. And time and time again feminist's have been found to be man hating liars.

    How do you expect guy's with some sense to them to treat feminist's? It is like expecting holocaust survivors to be polite to n**i trash.

  5. Feminists don't hate men.  No matter how many times you ask this question or repeat the phrase it will NEVER be true.  So, enough, already.  How many times do I have to answer this same question?

  6. Because, at least here, many of the men who claim to want equality really just want to bash feminists.

    If you were a woman, would you have great fondness for men who kept calling you a fat ugly man-hating L*****n?

  7. Hate is a strong word. However I dislike men that say that want equality but actually don't e.g. say the man should be the 'head' of the house, women should stay at home and raise children etc. I think our definitions of equality are different, but I don't really see any way of resolving this issue.


    I would be more than happy to see women paving roads. They already do a lot more manual work in other countries - why not here? One of the best jobs I had was digging and preparing ground for a community garden/allotment. Not sure what you mean by spousal support though?

  8. I think you are making a generalization about women.  Most women don't hate men at all. They just want equal rights to jobs and equal pay. Spousal support is only needed because most women not only make less when they work (even with equal or better education than the men), but also if they had kids, women often have to stop working or go part time for a portion of their lives. Thus their lack of work supports the man's ability to continue his career. If women were compensated sufficiently for caring for kids for short periods, AND we were paid equally when we do work, spousal support would die out.

    Kris W: It sounds like you group all women who want women to have rights as being terrible people. Maybe you have had some bad experiences in your life with a woman or two. Please consider that there are millions of us women in the world and we are not all like you describe. What personal experiences have you suffered that make you write what you did?

  9. they just do, OK thats all there is to

    Imagine that women had taken off in a massive space ship 20 thousand years ago, and we just returned a generation ago, finding the world in a mess. We can comfortable blame men for that because we were not around its not our fault, that is real important blaming, OK (keep that in mind)

    Now what the men are suppose to do is fall on their knees and beg forgiveness and ask us to take over and run things better, that’s how those feminist who set the agenda thinks

    Annoyingly to them most men won't just bend over, so they become the enemy, then you have a number of men who want to take the middle ground but they forget that feminism thrive by exploiting our weaknesses and fears especially the need to have someone to blame.

    Take that away then where are we?

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