
Why does it seem like im not improveing in basketball?

by  |  earlier

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im out there for hours timing myself on shots taking like 2000 midrange-3 point shots a night. sometimes to 3 am. im tired of practicing and not seeing any results.




  1. several thoughts...first is: are you trying to shoot beyond your range?  the best way to improve some of this is with light free weights and a lot of reps (ask your trainer for a list of free weight exercises to specifically target arm and wrist strength without losing flexibility AND do the same for your legs)....

    second here's my suggestion to improve your accuracy via a proven drill (if you practice something fundamentally unsound a ZILLION times you still wont be happy with your result):

    assuming you have good fundamental shooting technique (and if not you need to address THAT first) try this...start six inches from the rim and shoot your jump shot moving from left, to center, to right and keep repeating this until you go ten-for-ten from each spot...THEN move backwards six inches and repeat the same process...keep doing this until you have moved as far back as you can continue to go ten-for-ten...

    if you so this, it will consume a LOT of time...this is the reason Larry was in the Garden before ALL of his teammates and left there last BUT his accuracy at ANY RANGE was undeniable...also I've personally spent ENTIRE summers doing this drill EVERY day...IT WORKS!!

    third thing: the act of shooting is both physical and psychological...if you think you're gonna miss you will probably be RIGHT...keep positive and do the 10-for-10 drill with the kind of intensity you are demonstrating by practicing the long hours you are and then REMEMBER all the 10-for-10's you MADE when you are in a game or practice situation...

    lastly: always remember that progress is sometimes such a seemingly SLOW reminds me of a saying: how do you eat an elephant?  one bite at a time! KEEP WORKING you WILL improve...


  2. if you practice too much on shoots

    your shot form will start to get lazy and will stay that way

    best to practice your form but not for that long

  3. practice more on your form when shooting

  4. maybe your not practicing properly. if you practice bad habit like bad shooting form you will def not improve your shoot. you'll shoot bad every time. square up your shoulders to the hoop, jump realizing the ball at the highest point, snap your wrist and follow thru. fingers should be point toward the floor after your release. you guide hand supporting the ball as well. that's the basic. fine tune that to what works for you. if that still don't help you out shooting may nit be your thing. everyone does have a great jump shot. look at ason Kidd. (no J) and Lebron as great as he his don't got a jumper either. you tube Ray Allen shooting drills. has great tips on there n you can see n practice his form. if that don't help nothing will!

  5. this happened to me and guitar... it might just be me but i feel like i improve in chunks... for months i wont get any better, and then i will wake up one day and be alot better.  again i dont know if this is true for everyone but keep it up

  6. something i always do to help me when i shoot is aim for the outside of the rim, and think that it will go in, you will be suprised how many more shots you will make! This is also a technique that NBA players use eventhough they might not admit it

  7. well remember the techniques. this may sound cheesy, but if you flip your wrist, it just goes in. it makes it so much easier.

  8. Maybe it's your shooting form... It prolly is.... I know some kids that don't practice at all, but have really good shooting forms so they make their shots nine times out of ten...

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