
Why does it seem like most parents do not want to parent their child?

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Is it me. I have children in elementary school and when my son was in 2nd grade some girl told him she had dreams of humping him, I told him that was a nasty girl and stay away from her.

Put effort into your children.




  1. You got a point there. Most kids have the TV for a nanny, which the result most have the TV for a nanny, which the result most of the times is kids like the girl you mentioned.

    It's nice that your boy has the confidance in you to tell you that type of things; but at the same time it reminds the job you have on telling him that in the world there are not so nice people... which it's sort of sad, but necessary; 'cus he's still a kid, and probably doesn't percieve evil as evil.

    Anyway, I guess it's got to be tough, to teach him that type of things...

    Good luck with that...

  2. too many self-absorbed and lazy parents that are too caught up in their own lives to invest an interest in their children. many also are afraid of not being liked by their kid if they parent and discipline them. this leaves the kid in complete control and that is why you have kids like that girl at your son's school.

  3. You can be the "best" parent in the world - but that doesn't make for "perfect" children.

  4. In contemporary society, I believe that question is being asked more frequently ... sometimes aloud, most of the time behind closed doors and often in a whisper.

    It's a legitimate question and, in a more engaged and, I'd argue, enlightened culture than present day America, the question would be addressed in public ... like, for example, by Clinton, McCain, and Obama as they vie for the privelege to manage the country.

    I don't have any statistics available to determine if it's "most" or "many," however, it certainly seems like there's a relentless stream of children who are not being parented to mingle and act civilly in open society.  I'm not sure that void is a result of parents "not wanting to" as much as it may be a factor of parents "not even knowing how to."

    That's not an excuse, it's just another for perspective that may allow for a different intervention to try and improve this situation.

    A formidable societal factor that may contribute to this unpleasant phenomenon could be the general backslide in the past fifty years (my generation, I'm sad to say) for "denial" to take the place of "responsibility."  Every major cultural institution, from our educational system to our corporate sector, to our government, our military, even our religious institutions -all have failed miserably on the accountability scale ... miserably!  I'm generalizing here, but it seems to be the same old, same old ... "it wasn't me ... or, in the most absurd of circumstances, "the devil made me do it."  

    Our nation came out of the second world war in an excellent position to lead the world in nearly every critical dimension  ... in my view, that was squandered because the weak leadership we've had for the past sixty years only seemed to concern itself with the country being an economic (profits) power -and for a very small and selective group of people.  

    The other important societal dimensions like dignity, respect, empathy, and caring for one another were dismissed as irrelevant when matched against "the economy."  Today, that refusal to work at making us better people first (responsibility and accountability) has come home to roost in the form of general disrespect and disregard for a common societal good.

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