
Why does it seem like only people on the internet understand your problem?

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As far as coming close to understanding the problem - it does seem like people on the internet come -the closest- to understanding. Shrinks, even real life friends are often off the mark.....they say stuff that sounds good but isn't really true (in personal experience), as well-meaning as they are.

Do you ever feel like people skirt the truth because they don't want to really deal with you?

Has anyone ever told you 'oh, the internet? don't believe what you read' - as if people make up their stories here? Have you ever tried to use the internet to back up an opinion and had people disbelieve you simply because it is the net?




  1. hi,

    the way i see it. people on the internet mainly don't know you personally. for example, i've never met you. ok, so.... if you ask a question like this and someone sees this question? people on the internet are people looking on the outside. Mind, you a different point-of-view. Sometimes, you can't just walk up to people you know in everyday life. Too, me it's always good to have advice from someone that you don't even know.

    Good Luck......... :) I've been through many instances myself, just like this.

  2. I'm quite baffled by your question. I could never trust anyone on the Internet.

  3. We don't beat around the bush. You tell us straight, we give back straight. And we don't have a hidden agenda or a vested interest other than to help.

  4. I think the reason why it's easier to connect with others online is because the ability to drop your facade is easier and not as pressuring. Online, you can say what you really feel. You can open up about issues through words and you can share your story. You can do all of these things without worrying about judgment; and that is a great thing.

    When it comes to mental illness, I think people are prone to judgments or because of their ignorance they either ignore you or leave you.

    It's not as devastating to be left online because there are 500 other people online who are willing and open to talk to you...

  5. Why?because the "real thinkers"spend their time solving the problems of others and what better place for this then the internet.You do not even have to leave your home.

    The doers do what they do offline[most are not very clever] and the thinkers think what they think online and if you are lucky you just might stumble on to one of them and i believe you have already.

    You can be more open on the internet then outside of it because there are weaker inhibitions.

    When your subconsciousness cannot see the judge it often cannot react in fear or when it does the fear is nothing like facing a live person.

  6. I, personally love the internet.  I met my now partner online and many friends.  People who don't know you personally are candid.  Plus, you can get a variety of oppinions and answers.  

  7. There are countless people on here, from countless places, and with that many people on here you are lucky to be able to find people who have or grasp what it's like for others on here.  There are groups on here for all sorts of problems, illnesses, concerns, interests, and ideas that you'd never stumble upon in daily living.  Even more so if you are in a rural or distant area as opposed to a big city.

    Sure there are lots of trolls, as well as plenty of misinformed or malicious people, but there are also plenty of honest, forward, intelligent folks that are looking for ways to help or to just lend an ear.

    I've found help and great information on here, but I'm also cautious and research what I'm told to get an outside reference as well as advice.

  8. I know exactly what you mean.

    Internet was/is my escape from real life every once in a while.

    I come on here and talk to people half way across the world just because they understand me better than most people I would talk to in person. =]

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