
Why does it seem like people are...about toilet trainingg?

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Waiting so long to potty train? I have seen up to ages 3 and 4 just potty training? Why is it so difficult to do? I mean, I have not done it quite yet, but is there something I am not aware of, I just read an article in my local newspaper saying that kids used to be trained fully by age 2. What's going on here? Why have things changed so much?




  1. A lot of moms figure "oh they'll learn eventually", put a potty out, and never think twice about doing anything else. They figure their child will just get it one day and start going on the potty. Problem is, unless you actually SHOW your child what to do and train them to do it every time, it won't work. If these kids never learn that pooping in their diaper is not acceptable anymore, they won't stop. My son is 18 months and we're buying his first potty tomorrow. I refuse to have a 4 year old in diapers! Lol.

  2. I can only speak for myself. We had higher priority issues. (Like the child's serious medical needs.)  Maybe people today are busier and would rather pay for diapers than sit in a public restroom. After having strangers assume the worst of me because they don't know the details, I try not to judge others. I know how it feels like. Maybe things haven't changed as much as they seem. Maybe they are just more out in the open.


    My children were all fully potty trained by age 2. When I tell people, they think I'm lying. Well, I'm sorry that their child is 4 and wearing diapers, but that is not my fault! I totally agree with you. Parents need to stop being lazy and potty train their children at an appropriate age.

    EDIT: I am 99% sure that Dark Angel's child was 5 when they were potty trained.

  4. My son was potty trained at 2. wetting the bed, etc. My sister's baby (kid, really) wasn't potty trained until 5 years old! One time I watched him and it was like changing a grown man! I was SOOOO uncomfortable. I agree...parents are using the excuse these days, "they'll do it when they're ready." AKA: I'm a lazy parent.

  5. your son is a week older than my son :0)

    my grandmother had 8 children and all of them once they were walking or turned the age of one, were to sit on the potty and be trained, all of them were potty trained by 2.  That tradition has passed down all the way to me, and Ive continued it with my little boy, hes actually getting to the point where hes starting to say gotta go and pulls off his pull up as he's running to the washroom.

    This society nowadays is full of convience and since convience is run by money, its easy just to go out and buy a pack of diapers. Parents dont understand that they have to make decisions and train a child early so they learn what they have to do, not rebel and throw tempure tantrums because they are older and think they run the house.

  6. because it is Easier for the parent to put a diaper on a kid and forget about it.

    we do elimination communication, my 7 month old uses the potty many times a day and hates  having to sit in her own waste. we started at 3 weeks and would not look back now.

  7. The way it goes is this if you can walk you can potty train you have to take a seat sometime I was the youngest of 3 and potty trained by 16 months my mother did not play, We dont play with our kid s either they dont know the meaning of pull ups and I still cant believe they make them for children 6 and up now

  8. Exactly why my son sits on his potty a few times a day, hes 10 months old and knows what potty means.

  9. Because most parent now a days. Like to hold on to the fact that there children are still baby. When in fact they are capable of doing amazing things. At 2 I still consider a baby a baby, but I believe that, that is when he/she should start being a big boy/girl.

    My 3.5 year old and 4.5 year old.

    Both know how to make a pb&j. They both love to cook. +} The dads a chief!

    Knows how to clean there room.

    Make there bed.

    Put there close in the dirty laundry place.

    They know how to take there own bath. ( I do supervise this, but I'm not in the bath tub with them scrubbing them down )

    Also they were both potty trained at the age of 2 fully potty trained when they were 3. There still some accident though, but thats only the 4.5 year old. :P

    But they know how to do this is because I don't baby them. I treat them like growing boys, but if there hurting and if there sad. I will admit i baby them. I'll sit there and hold them in tell everything better!

  10. because in most households now both parents work so the mom's not home all the time. my son was potty trained a couple months after he turned 3.

    but if you had kids of your own you'd know that you can't really force them if they aren't ready to learn.  

  11. Because it is the child who is deciding when he/she wants to start, and the parents kind of just wait around, they don't want to "stress" the child out by forcing the issue.  I am a preschool teacher and have seen up to 4.5 year olds just beginning the process.  If the child says no they don't want to wear underwear, the parents run out and buy more pullups.

  12. NOT all of it is due to laziness, some children just arn't ready until they are older, and yes sometimes it can be laziness from the parents.

    My 1st daughter was toilet trained during the day at 18months old (it took her 1 week to master), and fully trained (meaning dry nights) by the time she was 2½, now I started my 2nd daughter at the same time as I did with 1st and she just wouldn't do it, and she's now 3 and is toilet trained in the day (some accidents but not many now thankfully) but still requires a nappy at night time. But if they aren't even starting training until 3 or 4 it's definitely the lack of parental guidance.  

  13. Back in the day moms used to stay home with their kids and now a lot of moms must work. It's difficult to be consistent in potty training when you have more than one person doing it. The longer you wait the harder it gets. I was a working mom when my son potty trained and it took forever.He was completely potty trained by age 3 but still wets his bed occasionally which is very common and an entirely different issue. Now that I work at home I hope to have an easier time potty training my daughter when the time comes. You have to wait until they are interested but at the same time have to show them and teach them enough about going potty to get them interested. It's a little more tricky than it sounds and I think parents get frustrated and give up on it. They take a break and come back to it a few months later and before you know it you have a four year old that isn't potty trained yet.  

  14. one word laziness. my son was potty trained befor 2 and a half. my other son is 17months and we are starting but hes very smart

  15. some of it's laziness and some of it is because parents believe that a 2 year old isn't ready to be potty trained but I myself was potty trained at 2 and my daughter is 3 and she is potty trained. some people may say working parents don't have time to potty train their kids but that's not true either daycare's work with kids on potty training so they don't have to change so many diapers my daughter's did and every day I worked on my daughter with it my daughter hasn't worn a pull up or a diaper in 6 months. and she just turned 3 in july

  16. a funny issue we are running into with potty training is not us, the parents, or even our 21 month old(who has been ready for a few months) it's her daycare. she is in the 1-2 year old room and is the ONLY one potty training. they can't leave the other ones alone to take just my child so they are using her pull-ups like diapers or letting her have WAY to many accidents. i can't provide 10 extra pairs of panties and pants every day. so that's my answer. all of society is getting lazy :-)

  17. I have a 2 yr old and am in the process of potty training her right now.  She don't seem to be ready though.  But I do work all day, and the babysitter apparently isn't helping train her.  I also have a 9 yr old and a 7 yr old.  My 9 yr old wasn't fully trained until he was 3 yrs old.  My 7 yr old was trained by the time she was 15 months old!  It all depends on the child.  It has nothing to do with the fact that the parents are lazy.  I do what I can when I'm home and she does potty for me, just not p**p yet.  And the reason they make the pull ups for kids 6+ is b/c some kids wet the bed at night time due to an immature bladder.  Meaning it hasn't fully matured like a normal childs should.  And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.  It's not as if they can help it.  It is hereditary as a matter of fact.  

  18. Because some kids aren't ready when others are.  Why do you care anyway?  You will do what you feel is best for your child, just like I did for mine.  And for the moms that say its laziness, who are you to decide why anyone didn't potty train early?  So to those mothers- Stop trying to attack people for not being exactly like you.  This isn't high school.  Even if none of you have matured past it.

  19. You will get as many answers as you will find people to answer this question. My son was bladder trained by about 2 1/2 except for some occasional accidents. Bowel training didn't go as well since he had problems with constipation and didn't really recognize when he had to go. Most of the time he would feel the urge and nothing would happen. At 3, his ped scolded me for not having him fully potty trained. I explained the problem (which I had been complaining about since he was 6 weeks old). He had me modify my son's diet. This did not help. He still only went once or twice a week, not regularly. Finally, at 4 1/2, he was bowel trained. He still has problems going. His new ped put him on miralax. He is at least having an easier time of it, but still not regular. For those who think I am a lazy mother, walk a mile in my shoes. Every child is different and every family is different. Yes, there are lazy parents out there. There are also very dedicated, loving, caring parents who are at their wits' end because they have tried every suggestion out there and then some.

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