
Why does it seem like the HARDER I hit my drive the shorter it goes?

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If I swing 50% it is nice and straight and pretty far, maybe 200 yards. So then I tell myself to do the samething just faster, and my shot either goes 200 feet in the air and 50 feet long, or slices really bad. I dont get it?? I feel like I am doing the samething just faster.




  1. change your driver.there are plenty of idiot proof ones .t m burner for instance.

  2. Swinging harder introduces more timing issues.   A lot is going on in a golf swing, and it all has to come together at impact for a good shot to be the result.

    Applying the clubface to the ball squarely is the key to good shots, whether with the driver or the wedge.

    One of the keys to golf is finding your own tempo, or speed, of the swing.  Most sources say its something like 80% of the hardest you can swing.   Watch some of the pros;  most of them look effortless when they swing unless they are really in a pickle........

  3. How far the ball will travel... First, it depend on the ball contact... more solid, the ball will go further.. Doesn't matter how hard you hit the ball, if it not solid, you just waste your energy.

    I am an amateur... most of the time, if I want to hit hard... I use my body to hit the ball and I lost my balance, by loosing my balance... I cant make solid contact...

    You can hit as fast as you can..(not as hard as you can), as long as you still have your balance.

  4. The old addage, "Let the club do the work" applies mostly to your driver. Yes, you may feel like you are mechanically swinging the same, but the fact is, you might be missing by a simple millimeter on your club, which will result in all of the outcomes you've listed. Now you might be able to rip into one once in awhile, but I'd take consistently hitting 200 yds, than 1 out 10 swings getting you 230. So, don't worry too much about distance because you sound like you have a straight drive. This will come with time, you smooth swing will eventually incorporate into a power smooth swing. Good luck and keep your eye on the ball!

  5. You're concentrating to much on hitting the ball hard, so much that its making you not take heed of the other things you have to do properly. Its not about hitting the ball hard, its all in the swing. Just pefect the swing and I guarantee that your ball will go very high and very far.

  6. You "think" your doing the same thing but trust me your not. Tightening your grip and swinging faster is the recipe for a bad shot. You have to swing with control and tempo. Tempo is more important and that will maximize distance. Think of swingin a tennis racket for the tempo of your shoulders and hips.

  7. You are not relaxed when you try to swing harder.  Your muscles tense up and that takes away from your tempo.  You may have a naturally smooth swing tempo anyway.  Work with what you have.

  8. Have you heard the phrase "When it's breezy, swing it easy"?  

    You want your drives to come from a powerful swing, but to achieve power you must have a sound, repetitive swing.  This comes from practice, and trying the occasional fast swing will put your timing out of sync.

  9. Timing in your downswing is of utmost importance. At address and on the back swing, you must loosen your grip slightly, i.e. you must not feel so tensed up.

    Further, if you come down too fast all the way from the top you're bound to make erroneous shots, either a slice or a hook.

    The critical moments in your downswing will be just before the point of impact. That's when you really need to c**k your grip solidly to create a solid and squared impact, with a good 'follow through' line in your swing arc.

  10. This is why you are your own worst critic. Try to swing smooth, not fast. If you want the ball to go farther, see a pro or ask the people around you. When you swing hard, you put all of your timing and mechanics by the wayside. If you want ten more yards loosen your grip. Open up your front foot and be sure to swing slightly inside to out, not outside to in, which brings you over the top and the ball will sky or slice or go straight into the groung. Inside to out. Inside to out.

  11. slow down your backswing and accelerate your throughswing. power comes from using a good driver with the proper shaft custom fitted for you. watch the pros and study their rythyme tempo and backswing.  4 handicapper.

  12. Maybe you're hitting it at a bad angle when you swing harder.

  13. because your losing control of the club and not getting good ball impact

  14. A good drive is based on your swing, not how hard you hit the ball. Slow down, concentrate on your drive, and forget about hitting the ball HARD...go for accuracy.

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