
Why does it seem like women get away with too much?

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I'm not trying to be sexist here, but I've noticed how women often get away with domestic violence, if she can make false accusations and get away with it, etc.

When I hear about women like this, make me wonder why there's so much misogyny.

Why does it seem like the not-so innocent women are get away with too much? Have times changed or what?




  1. Well it looks as though they may well do.

    Many think of women as victims, even to the extent of if she is hitting a man people will pose the question of what he did to deserve it. Almost anything a woman does is reasoned out and justified. If a man hits a woman, would anyone who could make a mark on any proceedings against him ask what she did?

    Theres also considerable evidence that on just about all offences women are found guilty of, the punishments and legal retribution is lesser and sometimes even the crimes they are charged with are lesser - despite a directly comparable equivelent with men.

    That and its general knowledge, its in the papers and such often enough. Ever seen a woman described with the word peadophila? Men have been - yet theres ample evidence and convictions of them do such things. Maybe the young lads enjoyed it more huh?

    Even then you have people patois that likes to try to explain things away as, well what women suffered for 6000 years makes it ok.  Im not even going to start on that article, or the attitude. So much for equality - stepping further is revenge.

  2. I'm not trying to be sexist here, but who cares?  I mean, until the 1990's nobody sure cared about what men got away with enough to forge domestic violence and laws protecting women.  It was all just a "family matter".  Women are sick of this treatment and angry.  Read at least a little about the history of domestic violence and about how misogynists lied from day one in outrage over the first federal law protecting women in the U.S. from domestic violence.  Here's a fairly easy site to get an overview.  Yeah, times have changed.  They're going to change a whole lot more.

  3. Because they do. It is a mixture of feminist's stranglehold on our civilization and the last remnants of the greatest generation's sense of how things once where combined with the worst generations selfishness that has created such a hostile world for us.

       Hopefully when the last of those generations pass it will be easier to remove the falseness of feminism's beliefs from our society.

         Some how I fear it might take another hundred years to undo all the misandry and hate aimed towards male's.

            Look at anti semetism. What the Romans did in a year(vilified Jew's because of there rebellion around 60 or so AD) exists almost two thousand years later.

        Because according to feminist ideology even if women controlled 99% of 99% of society we would still be the opressor's because we are "male" and are born with "natural" advantages.

      As long as society continue's to indulge such hateful ideology there is no hope for the future.

  4. Because women are a privileged class.

  5. "Why does it seem like women get away with too much?

    Because you lack critical thinking skills and are therefore quite gullible.  What "seems" to you is probably a misinterpretation of fact - or just plain old fashioned blissful ignorance.

  6. Because it's true.

  7. There's a false impression circulating around that women are generally good natured and innocent.  In reality, it's anything but true as far as general concepts go.

    Feminists have also spread propaganda painting men as demons and monsters to make women look better in comparison.

    It's all a bunch of smoke and mirrors...  but sadly it's working.

    They are getting away with too much.  The problem is that men are letting them.

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