
Why does it seem people hate texas and texans?

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i love it here. people are down to earth and laid back. plus i love the countryside!




  1. i dont

  2. Its because they have never been there, and they are ignorant little people.  Hook em horns baby!

  3. Because you don't allow teachers to carry guns.

  4. Defreeze is right...............TEXAS ROCKS!!

  5. because they always seem to ask these types of questions in the football section. You are not helping.

  6. OU fan so of course I hate Texas

  7. Well the Houston Texans Football team are thought as a joke which leads to embarrassing losses for some teams which in turn cause a sort of "hate"

    As for the state of Texas and it's people.  I think the "hate" is of the values and pride of the people of this state.  A storied history with mythical battles against all odds such as the Alamo which most everyone knows about and the far lesser known battle of San Jacinto where Texas won it's independence from Mexico by figuring out the Mexican weakness "siesta time" (nap time).  An all or nothing battle plan which included blowing up the only bridge out for either side and a full on charge in quite mode to not wake the sleeping Mexican soldiers and President Santa Anna.  The slaughter took 18 minutes and the 9 dead Texans compared to the 600+ dead Mexicans showed the lopsided battle as the cry went out "remember the Alamo, remember Goliad"  (Goliad was were 400 POW Texans were marched out and executed without warning).  The story of the Texas Rangers who as a small band of men who were law and military took on insurmountable odds to defeat the enemies of Texas.  The first 6 shot hand gun took the Comanche by surprise who expecting one shot and then reload charged into the small band of rangers to be cut down by a hail of firepower.  The 300 Mexican bandits who thought the Rio Grande would protect them from 30 rangers who crossed the Rio Grande attacked the fort withdrew to the Rio Grande but refused to cross back into Texas till the bandits returned the cattle they stole and the Mexicans who had the clear numerical superiority returned the cattle instead of tangling with the rangers.  The Mexican American war was a disaster except when the Texans and Texas Rangers came along and marveled the US soldiers as they took on Monterey which had held out.  The Texas Rangers climbed the cliffs on the farside of the town and took the town in a day.

    The "hate" is envy and don't let that get to you ever.  

  8. I can think of a few reasons:

    1.)  Because Bush is from Texas and people, at least free-thinking, patriotic Americans with any sense, hate Bush.

    2.)  Because we lead the Nation in innocent persons exonerated and released from Death Row;

    3.)  Because Texas is turning into a haven for illegal aliens and people don't like illegal aliens;

    4.)  Because the governor is a douchebag;

    5.) Because we absolutely have the best looking women, even more so than California, and that  creates a huge amount of resentment.

    6.) Our economy doesn't suffer as much during a national recession;

    7.)  Because all the Texas 'Drug-store Cowboys" with their "Dooleys" and the soccer-moms with their SUV's they dont' need have contributed significantly to our energy problem;

    8.)  Because we have like three of the top ten "Fattest Cities in America"

    I could go on...

  9. because people are ignorant

  10. this is the football section.

  11. Everything is bigger in Texas.

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