
Why does it seem people like to criticize others for having a smart answer/response ......?

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only to come out and give the same answers ?

Am I the only one that thinks this is rude and disrespectful ?




  1. I agree with you 100%.  There is a "group" of people on here who are insecure and jealous.  They go around giving thumbs down, give stupid answers just to get points, give their online buddies best answer to their questions (which they copied from someone else's answer), or just put all their stupid questions up for voting due to being lazy.

    LOL!!  That felt good getting all that off my chest!

  2. Some people like to criticize because it makes them feel better. I think it's rude too :(

  3. ignorance---don't let it bother you--be the better person

  4. No. Definitely not. Just because someone has a better or wiser answer, people seem to criticize and be jealous of them. Seriously, they need to get a hobby. Or work on how they answer questions...

  5. there called haters, they don't like being outshined by people with real talent, and then they try and jump on the bandwagon when it becomes trendy.

  6. These are usually people with very low self esteem -they do this to make themselves look smarter and to feel better abot themselves.  It doesn't work forever for them -they eventually get figured out.

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