
Why does it seem...?

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when you are driving (or are the passenger) somewhere, it takes a long time, but going home, it seems to be alot shorter amount of time? I have been trying to figure this out for a long time. No snide remarks, please..




  1. I think it is due to the excitement of the trip and the anticipation of getting there to stay the fun.  But on the way home, the fun is over and you are returning to a normal routine so you feel like things are going faster.

  2. The only thing that I have ever come up with on this is, when I am going....I am always wondering what I forgot to bring. Plus being nervous about what all we can talk about, what I am going to be doing.

    Then the trip home is more relaxing, it is over and then I think about all the fun I had. All the stuff along the road way and what have you that I didn't see going. Before I know it...I am home.

  3. I think because you know the exact way home....u arrive quicker. But that is true.

  4. i've noticed that all of my life, thank you!

    never heard a good answer, but i've got one guess which might work...

    on your way "there", the travel is often new or covering some roads or territory you haven't seen recently, so your mind pays more attention to details along the way, collecting "more data" than usual and filling up the travel time.

    on the way home, aside from "let's get home where it's comfy, cozy and not out here..." you're also probably traveling the same or similar route, and it's now "familiar territory" to your mind, and so you take less note of things along the way, making the trip feel shorter.

    just guessing, though.. might be a good doctoral thesis for someone, some day... :)

  5. As you drive to your destination you are anticipating your arrival, you are excited, anxious and preparing for the events ahead.

    The question that's always asked is "are we there yet" No one ever asks "are we home yet"

    Once the event is over it probably wasn't what you had expected but you still have the ride home which can still offer some excitement. You may recall clichés such as "take the long home". Furthermore the arrival at your house signifies the end of the adventure and thus is an event you dread.
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