
Why does it seem that everyone kicks their speed up in a snowstorm,,,just to show off?

by Guest60874  |  earlier

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when the snow clears....they go their normal 65...I don't get it




  1. We believe too much of what we see in commercials, in the movies and on tv...They drive that way - so can I - we have the same car (almost)...And besides, that speed limit sign says 45 and I always drive at least 50...What's the problem??...This is just one of several influences that we all drive under - and we don't even realize it.

    The toughest part about driving is the mental part - being totally focused on everything that is going to affect the way I operate my vehicle...If I think that I can make this baby doll do whatever I want it to, I am doomed...If I am hung over or sleep depraved, chances are I will not make it to my destination.

    Driving is tough enough on dry road surfaces...Throw in some rain, snow and ice and the threat factor to my well being goes through the roof...It's all mental...Look out for #1 first.

    All the best

  2. Dum.a$$es  that's why...

  3. Blunt heads, dead brains, morons and ****-brains do that not even thinking about what could result from their childish action.

  4. cause they are really stupid and they think just cause they have 4 wheel drive that means they still have the ability to drive like a bat out of h**l.

  5. they r morons

  6. I know what you mean,people are driving by my house like 40mph right now with about 2 inches of snow on the roads...

  7. I know that guys in general like to brag to other guys how fast they were able to drive in the snow.

  8. alot of people enjoy meeting tow truck drivers.......

  9. People want to get home.

  10. It's the same when it's raining and there are puddles everywhere. People just like to have some fun for once.

  11. carelessness,is the most common cause for it,people want to hurry up and get home or ever where their going to,some don't even realize the dangers involved in speeding up,snow and bad weather seems to make people think they can drive like they do in normal weather,that's why i stay home when its bad weather,to many careless drivers on the roads,good luck.

  12. i think that everyone goes in to their second child hood and don't think every year people forget have to drive in the snow

  13. I hear ya there!  I always worry more about the other peoples driving rather than mine.

  14. They are just pushin the limits..i stay off the road when its snowing.. we got over 2 " last night..first in ages.

  15. Uh, because some people do not understand that traction for

    acceleration does not equate to traction for stopping?

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