
Why does it seem that many people in rural areas

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(ie. the South) appear to be less educated about people of different races/different countries?




  1. Pardon me, but your prejudice is showing.  I have lived all but three years of my life in Southern rural areas.  I scored in the 99th percentile on my national test scores, ranked first in my class in college, and graduated from law school.  The top 10 in my rural high school class include an eye surgeon, two lawyers, an engineer, two CPA's, a bank auditor, a college administrator, and  a computer company executive.  Many others in my high school graduating class went on to be teachers and business persons.  It is true there are people who are less educated in rural areas, but that is true of urban areas.  Unfortunately, those of us who chose to live in the rural South and particularly Appalachian are apparently the one remaining group the media and others continue to feel it is fair to stereotype.  Forgive my ranting, but it does grow old.


  2. It isn't really a question of education so much as experience. If you live in a small town in the middle of no where you are much less likely to encounter people of different ethnicity. Intellectually you may know that they exist, but if you have never seen someone that looks and acts differently then you it is hard to be accustomed to it. Keep in mind too, that a lot of these families may have lived in that area for generations, so parents can't really tell their kids what to expect. And just as a friendly fyi, lack of experience with "different" people does not equal racisim.

  3. Cause they live in a rural area. They have no reason to know any of that really.

    If i live my whole life with people that are blue eyed and blonde haired, I have no reason to think or wonder about red eyed and blue haired people.

    There is no reason for it, when I see them it is only common sense that I should think them strange or not know how to approach them.

    an so on and so forth

  4. Because they live a sheltered lifestyle within certain walls.

  5. they need to get out.  Me and my bf could be riding alone in the car and he feels the need to laugh at stupid c**p...I'm like grow up, open your mind.  Why is it funny to see a person in a burqa or flip flops in the winter or g*y person in purple hot pants or a white person with dreadlocks and 4 inch disc in their ear lobs?

  6. I don't really believe it's just because of the South. I believe it depends on how you were brought up.

  7. In the city if you maintain narrow minded atttitudes about people of other races or religions you would quickly lose your mind or be killed.  By no means is everyone in the big city open minded about diversity, however.  There are plenty of places here in Chicago, if you aren't the right race, religion, sexual orientation or whatever, you might as well be dead.

    It isn't that they are going to kill you on the spot, but you won't be treated the same or hired or respected or dealt with in the same friendly way someone who is like them will be.  It is annoying and infuriating to say the least.

  8. That could be a stereotype, not sure it's accurate.  For the sake of argument lets assume that it is true.  I'd think it has to do with exposure.  I live in Michigan, Detroit area.  Very much the melting pot, we are very culturally diverse around here, we are exposed to many cultures, many different ethnic backgrounds.  Immigrants tend to gravitate to places where they will find people of thier own cultures and a place where they can earn a living, much harder to do in rural areas.  Therefore we are exposed to these diverse populations and cultures thus having the opportunity to learn about them and to enjoy the various aspects of thier cultures.

  9. because they are not educated about them. Their education is limited to earning their daily bread et al

  10. You could also ask why people in the North are so bitter and rude all the time. You cannot clump people together and assume that they all think alike just because they are all from the same area

    **Also, sorry, its funny when anyone wears hot pants!!

  11. because we don't give a flip about people from other countries.

    why dont young Americans start thinking about there OWN country and how to make it right instead of trying to make it like somewhere else?

  12. We realy dont care about you bunch of weirdos.

  13. because most people that live in rural areas aren't familiar with different types of people only there own. There are some White people that have never seen Black people (will accept on T.v.).  And mostly rural areas everyone knows everyone, and probably not interested in getting to know different races/ different countries, because in SOME cases there racists people.

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