
Why does it seem that people's lives are way more complicated and screwed up than mine?

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I don't get why people feel the need to tell me their life story and when I find out they've been through so much more c**p than I have, it depresses me somewhat. Many times it seems what they went through is mostly their fault and not really for any other reason.




  1. Maybe you have a more optimisitic view then others. What I have learned is that everyone has problems one way or the others. Some people have so much money, but still have stress. OTher dont have money. This is just an example, but at the end, its how you handle your own problem.

  2. :] be thankful then.

    Life isn't fair for others.  

  3. Maybe it's some higher power's way of teaching you to be thankful...

  4. some peoples lives ARE badly screwed up, due to bad parenting, alcohol and drugs, s*x too early.

    lots of those mistakes ( not bad parenting) are sort of their fault - in that at one time they had a choice, and they choose the wrong way.

    You were smart enough to not make bad decisions, so please don't let it depress you.

    a few of them might be able to hear it , if,  as they start to tell you a new tale of woe, you remind them of one of their older tales - and point out they are handling the same situation the same way - and last time, it didn't work out too well.

  5. It's okay. You willl not be boring if you have a good life. And you will become more interesting as you experience more of life.

  6. Isn't that a good thing?

    For me, the things people take for granted are the things I struggle with. People talk about marriage as if it is a matter of pressing a red button for them.

    For me, it may be a lifelong quest.

  7. Its natural reflex, from anyone who has experience, in what your asking about.

  8. your life is planned before your even born. their are no accidental occurrences. everything is used for growth and learning. some lives have many trials and disappointments but through these much is learned. its possible you planned a much easier life this time. keep your eyes on your own lessons this life. I am all ways thank full for the lessons I need to learn. I knew what I could withstand this life and know that I did not plan more than I could take.

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