
Why does it seem that some men think they have a say of what a woman does with her body??

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Especially when it comes to her uterus ???




  1. Because it's something they don't have. :)

  2. Really a man should not tell a woman what she can do with her own body. However if it is the body of his unborn child he should have his say.

  3. Because if your in a relationship with a man then what yours is his and what's his is yours. At least that's how me and my man look at it.

  4. why does it seem that a woman thinks she has a desicion about a man;s body, like losing weight, or getting his tube removed


  5. Well if a man can carry a child in his womb then he can have a say....

  6. Only if the person inside her uterus happens to be his child.

  7. I am going to assume that you are referring to the issue of abortion.  The answer is; because it is a decision which will affect both of your lives.  If you want ALL of the say in whether or not to terminate, men should get ALL of the say in whether or not to support the child.  Personally, I would never ask any woman I got pregnant to get an abortion.  However, it doesn't really seem fair that if we both make the same mistake, she should get the ENTIRE say in how we resolve it.  Just my two cents.

  8. A baby is person born or unborn.

    I don't care what you do to your body. I do care about what happens to a defensless baby -- born or unborn.

  9. Because it's the man child too.    

    It take both in order to have a child, so men should have equal say.

  10. Because its uter"us" not uter"you". - Homer Simpson

    Just Joking

    I think its up to a women. What she wants to do is up to her. I don't think men have the right to tell any women on what she should do with her body. I am a guy and thats how I feel. Sorry for the joke. I thought it was funny but your question was serious so sorry.

  11. For the same reason some women think they have a say in what a guy does with his pay check for the next 18 years !!!

  12. Ryde on-

    Oh, but in that case they do.  

    Suck it up.

  13. Well, if a woman is pregnant, then I would hope that she would take some interest in the views of the father of the child, after all it's his child as well as hers.

  14. I said this before but I'll say it again, without sperm (which comes from a MAN'S body) you have no baby.

  15. I admit, I have no say, however I would like to know whats going on with my gf and her v****a.

  16. Uncontrollable obsession to control everything.

    God complex.

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