
Why does it seem that the majority of 20 something single women are liberal?

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Why does it seem that the majority of 20 something single women are liberal?




  1. The media is liberal. The teachers union is also the most corrupt liberal group ever. They take money from teachers and give it to politicians essentially forcing every teacher to support in theory and financially liberal politicians. The education system is liberal. That's why. Unless people grow up with a conservative influence or are exposed to it to realize its a better way of doing things young people will be liberal.

  2. Liberal means generous and I am generous...Sister Gomez is always liberal and not ashamed of it!

  3. Because they care about others. Liberalism is concerned with the well being of others.

    Conservatives are interested in keeping power and money in the hands of the rich and the corporations. They think the answer to every problem is to stop helping people so much and to give more tax cuts for the wealthy.

  4. Ahh I see you're a fan of Rush as well. The answer is they haven't married a smart conservative man yet.

  5. Probably because they are smart enough to see the fantical kind of conservatism as it's presented in the media via Dr. Laura or Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh is not in their best interest...and if one must take an extreme better to have the liberal over the conservative. However, in reality it's best to practise moderation in all things.

  6. I could write how I really feel about this, but it would probably be deleted.  

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