
Why does it seem that there are no pre-historic ghosts?

by Guest62389  |  earlier

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I haven't heard of any paranormal reports involving cavemen or dinosaurs.




  1. I suppose because it is more likely to imagine something that you are familiar with and modern man is not familiar with the sight of cave men and dinosaurs.

  2. Actually there are. Only those primitive people dont know what it is and the other thing is that, it is not documented.

  3. hm... i wonder the same thing.

    maybe no dinosaurs because they have been dead for so long and we rarely see reports on animal and reptiles and such. as for the cavemen maybe they dont have a reason to haunt us because since they werent the smartest of people to figure out how to haunt [lol] they just kinda died and left us alone....

    the world may never know

  4. How would you have found out about it? Their wall drawings aren's that easy to interperate at times.

  5. Wow! good point! I never believed in them anyway.When you think about it time seems to mean nothing to ghosts, so there should be some from the future as well.

  6. I haven't heard of many either.  It seems ghosts take shapes familiar (read expected by) to those who see them.  I wonder why this is the case.  In my opinion it's further reason to suggest ghosts are figments of the imagination.

  7. because they already exist and dinosssaurs didn't write books that we could already read

  8. What if there are and we just can't experience them?

  9. A commonly held belief is that ghosts and spirits are remnants of past energy manifesting in an unusual way. There were probably ancients ghosts once upon a time, but the energy which caused them has probably dispersed by now.

  10. Thats a good question, wish I knew the answer.  Every time someone asks this question I am tempted to try and see if I can get a dinoghost but that seem like a bad idea the more I think about.  Maybe some day I'll try it

  11. how do know that dinosaurs did not evolve into something that maybe is flying around in the crafts that people see all the time? is there not millions and millions of years that we really have no idea what was occuring? we know spirits are here, who is to say that a smart,mean,evil, dinobite could not leave a funky spirit behind? just thinking and wondering if i should lite another one.

  12. I think it is because we have evolved, not only physically but spiritually.   In order to spiritually evolve we are reincarnated and continue on our path until we decide we no longer need to return.   The ghosts or spirits that we encounter now either haven't moved on or have not been reborn yet.   They don't stay in the same form forever.

  13. If there were, they aren't recorded.

    Prehistory, by definition is the time period before recorded history.

    No recorded history = No paranormal reports.

  14. I had never even thought about that!  I would have to say that it's not that they don't exist but rather the "newer" the ghost to our current time period, the stronger their energy.  I would think if you went to a spot where they've found prehistoric history and nothing has been built on top of it, you would feel and see prehistoric things.  An archeological site would probably be a good place.  

    But they do exist, they're just not talked about, and not as frequent visitors- there really aren't many places that haven't been built on top of, and the places where it's still pristine are hard to get to.

  15. Now that you've brought it up,there will be

  16. Well I can't say there aren't any of these spirits, but think about it.. Ghost most of the time are here because they didn't finish something in their life.. Most caveman and dinosaurs whole life was hunting, moving around the land and living.. There was a real propose in their life at the time.. Plus with as much time that has pasted over their tracks the other parts of history most likely covered their tracks.. If you notice sometimes psychic have a hard time reading a place it there had been a lot of action over the area they are working on reading..You have to take all this in and look at the history.. Cave man didn't really speak to the point we would understand so even if we did find them how would we know what they say.. So we would have to toss most of the EVPs.. Plus I would think they would be scared of modern man..

  17. haha.. (:

    that is soo true... and i never really thought of it that way??

    now i have a new goal in life.. to see a prehistoric ghost of a Pete the caveman or even a t-rex! :P

  18. There is no real way to know if there was since we do not know how cavemen or dinosaurs acted, what kind of noises they made, or how they communicated.  On the other hand, for all we know about ghosts, they may be there and we just don't know it.  Poltergeists could be that of cavemen or dinos.  Throwing things around because they are afraid(cavemen)  or whapping things with their tails(dinos).  We just don't know enough about ghosts to say what they are or are not.

  19. After a while, ghosts 'grow up' and no longer need to stay Earth-bound. My guess, anyway.

  20. You would think that it was "so easy a caveman could do it".

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