
Why does it seems like smart people are h**l bound in almost every religion?

by Guest58035  |  earlier

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Why does it seems like smart people are h**l bound in almost every religion?




  1. Intellect has nothing to do with spirituality.  The smarter they are the more trouble they can cause generally speaking.  They come up with more excuses or false answers to what they believe.  It's hard to convince people to search the word of God and to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ.  They take such a terrible chance and don't listen to the truth.

  2. Like who?  Just because you disagree with religion doesn't necessarily mean your smart.  The most brain damaged chimp has no concept of God either so you're in good on earth anyway.

  3. It isn't smart people who do bad things. The wicked are not generally smart.

  4. Maybe! Just about! Almost!

    Deist with a B.A. in Anthropology (Archaeology)

    Evolution is a scientific theory and a fact.

  5. The whole invisible-sky-critter scam is childish nonsense not too dissimilar to bogeymen under the bed; it was invented as a management tool to scare and or control peasants and small children.


  6. I am brilliant.  I am spiritual.  I know that I cannot prove the existence of God, but I choose to believe in God and I want the God of the Bible and Jesus Christ.  This is called faith -- unproven theories, even though there are historic relics and archeology digs that do prove the Bible; their are also other digs that prove the opposite.

    It has never mattered to me that the age of the earth is billions of years older than the Bible; a lot went on before man. The dinosaurs lived before the ice age.and then the earth was finally prepared for mankind.

    So it is that I, and others who are as smart as or smarter, live by faith.

    As far as h**l.  That is separation from God.  I am not h**l bent to get you to repent and give your life to God; others will come into your life when you are ready. Or you can prepare yourself by reading the Bible and opening your heart and mind at the same time.  It is completely up to you.


  7.   Because the Fundie Sky Daddy doesn't like people who can think for themselves.  He prefers mindless sheeple.

  8. Smart people wouldn't be combating religion itself, but rather religion's faults.

  9. Religion doesn't like smart people.

  10. It is according to who you call "smart people" isn't it.

  11. Because those who claim to be smart are those that try to reason spiritual things w/physical evidence.  There is not enough brainpower to make it work.  The spiritual is just that, spiritual.

  12. Because h**l is not a place.  h**l is a state of mind, but religion likes to point to free thinkers as h**l bound, because it keeps everyone else away from freedom.  Religion needs to keep people confined to continue its legacy, to perpetuate its control and maintain its corporate status.  And, yes, it is a corporation.  It sells salvation to whoever thinks they need it, but first it has to convince people....

  13. Depends on how you define religion...

    I would totally agree that most of the organized religions discourage critical thinking, a questioning mind, and many of the other characteristics/traits that make a person "smart". Even many religions that label themselves Christian have an unfortunate tendency to substitute "smart" for "rich" in Jesus' warning that is was more difficult to put a camel through the eye of a needle than it was for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.

    However, that doesn't make them right...they seem to forget Jesus' instructions to seek the will of the Father with all our heart, MIND, body and soul!  

    Christianity, as prescribed by Jesus, does not condemn smart people to h**l...rather the promises that we'll be rewarded greatly for using the mind God gave us to understand and pursue his will.  In fact, I'd argue that Christianity condemns stupid people...those who can't expand their mind enough to encompass the existence of God and those who blindly follow other people rather than using their own mind to seek the truth!

  14. Religion calls for conformity.  Original thought is highly discouraged.  If that doesn't work they threaten you with h**l.

  15. Because God told us it will happen in this scripture..........

    1 Corinthians 1:19 (NKJV)

    For it is written:

    “ I will destroy the wisdom of the wise,

          And bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.”

  16. they ask too many pesky questions...the threat of h**l is designed to shut them up - not really working anymore :D

  17. lol. I'm just living the dream, baby.

    I was kind of thinking there ought to be a religion where you can get fries with that... you know... something a lil more convenient... I'm just so damb busy these days for all that genuflecting.

  18. Smart people, dumb people, and every one in between. we're all going to h**l. h**l is the grave. some italian poet named dante wrote a thing called the inferno. 100% of the beliefs most people have of h**l is from that play. the bible describes h**l as a place for the dead, or the 'sleeping' as it's referred to sometimes, which is the grave.

  19. Smart people?  Unrepentant sinners hardly qualify as "smart people."

    There is plenty of room in Christianity for "free thinkers," we just have to realize God is in charge, His Bible is His Word, and we aren't always right.

  20. Well, probably because they only think they are smart.

    One of the seven deadly sins is Pride. Most so-called smart people are really full of themselves.

  21. Well there are some religions that believe that if the masses were literate, then they would find out that it's essentially a bs religion that they are following (ie. for controlling the masses).  I know this is gonna sound old and worn out, but there are a lot of brilliant Catholics, and they aren't going to go to h**l, and they have contributed a lot in the way of the sciences and arts.

  22. It doesn't.

  23. Same reason all the ugly kids want the popular ones to turn up fat at the reunions.

  24. Because they can't be controlled into being puppets.

    And by the way, The Christian religion invented h**l, so I guess you only have to worry about it if you follow them, and I do mean follow them.

  25. i wonder.....................................

    oh right.. free thought is evil

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