
Why does it snow when it's cold outside?

by  |  earlier

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I really don't get it its just sooooo retrogradedy confusing




  1. you're an idiot.

  2. it snows when its cold because it gets below freezing (32 degrees F) and then percipitates...the rain changes to snow because its below doesnt snow just because its cold

  3. I agree you are an idiot but it snows while it's cold outside cuz the coldness in the atmosphere freezes the water in the clouds and then the clouds can't hold it anymore so they just release. = SNOW STUPID!!!!

  4. its not really cuz its cold its just nature and its cool like that

  5. just because it's cold doesn't mean it snows but it has to be cold in order to snow or the snow would melt and it would be called rain.

    I don't really think this was a serious question though...

  6. Basically, snow is just rain that has become a solid because of the cold.

    Things turn to solids (condense) when it is cold enough.

  7. seriously??

    when it's warm it rains, when it's too cold, the rain and water freezes, causing snow and ice

  8. The cold is related with snow.

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