
Why does it sound horrible ??

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i have been trying for a baby but have miscarryed twice.

pregnant people like my mate who is 28 weeks is bored and fed up of being pregnant and also alot of questions on here is moaning about pain and being exausted.

what is pregnancy actually like?

does evryone get bored and fed up and exausted??

thanks for reading.




  1. It is tiring and there IS pain. At 37 weeks I just wanted to be done with it all, I'm not going to lie. But the end result is worth every single pain you feel during pregnancy. I'd go through it all over to get where I am today.

    Look at all the women that have 3, 4, 5, etc. children. It obviously cannot be THAT bad.

    I wish you the best of luck in this.

  2. iv only every reached 10weeks, well i was pregnant for 10 but the fetus died at 9weeks

    people say the symptoms u get in the first 3months go after that

    hope someday soon ill find out for myself :)

  3. It's not that you actually get bored.  You do feel very exhausted towards the end.  It is very difficultt to sleep... therefore that's where the moodiness kicks in.  Not to mention hormones.  I am now 32 weeks & can't wait to have the baby.  Walking becomes difficult due to weight gain.  You begin to experience leg cramps & back aches.  But besides all the negative it's a wonderful feeling when the baby kicks you & reminds you that it's all worth it! :)

  4. Towards the end, yes you do end up wishing the baby would just arrive, but honestly, a couple of months after the baby is born, although i loved being with my son and I loved that he was here, I missed being pregnant, I still do (13 months on). It's an odd feeling.

    I'm sorry to hear about your miscarriages, it must be so awful for you. It will happen to you one day though, have faith

  5. Pregnancy is different for every woman. It is just how your body is handling the change and the surge of hormones which determines how "bad" you are going to feel. I started feeling increased appetite and drowsiness at 5 weeks. Nausea came a week later. I am now 10 1/2 weeks and I haven't had nausea in four days. I am still sleepy and have regulated my eating so I know when i need to eat. Pregnancy is a wonderful thing. It hasn't crushed me with symptoms and I hope it doesn't but even if it did I would be happy still because the payoff is one of a kind. =)

    I am truly sorry to hear about your unforunate miscarries. God works in mysterious ways. Keep praying and he will eventually answer.

  6. I'm so sorry about your miscarriages.  I do hope everything works out much better for you the next time.

    The vast majority of women will tell you that pregnancy is an interesting roller coaster of sorts.  For most of us, any complaints we have are far outweighed by the benefits.  It does get hard at times, though.  "Morning" sickness, heartburn, backaches, all the worrying about whether or not the baby is gets to you after awhile.  Plus, 9 months is a long time, and you tend to start getting impatient.  You want to be rid of the pregnancy troubles and (most of all) finally have the baby in your arms.

    I'll tell you, though, it is all worth it.  I try not to complain about it because I am so happy to have my little girl growing in me.  I know I'll miss the kicks and hiccups...maybe even the jabs in my ribs and pelvis, too.  Ninety-nine percent of pregnancy is beautiful, but that last 1% can feel daunting sometimes!  I know what you mean...its unfortunate to hear others complain when you want nothing else than to be pregnant.  You'll get here soon, and you'll be one of those girls that embraces the pain because it brings you a baby in the end.

  7. i am almost 19 weeks pregnant with my first baby, and only just starting to enjoy my pregnancy. I had very bad sickness, and still get it from time to time, and still find myself very tired. In general i am loving being pregnant though, although i do find it emotional and stress full sometimes. I suppose everyone finds it very different though, i am sorry to hear about your loss's, good luck and take care x

  8. i am 13 weeks and this is my 4 pregnancy. i have miscarried less than 8 weeks each time. i have aches and wonder if they are normal and freak out. i really like being pregnant.

    baby dust to you. and good luck

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